A PERVERT who bribed a young boy with promises of toys and sweets in exchange for sexual favours faces a lengthy stretch behind bars. 

Danny Brady, 63, has already served jail time for historic sex offences. 

Now, he stands to spend more time in jail – after jurors at Oxford Crown Court took less than two hours to convict him of gross indecency and indecent assault.

Brady, then in his 20s, molested the two boys in a woodland play area on the edge of the RAF Brize Norton air base, Carterton, in the early 1980s.

Then calling himself ‘Danny B’, he was said to have encouraged the boys with the promise of cash, toys and sweets. 

He asked one of the boys if he ‘wanted to be a big man and have a big man’s secret’, jurors heard.

The defendant exposed himself and got the boys to perform sex acts on him. 

Prosecutor Kim Preston told the jury: “There was this constant reward, promises of sweets, toys, treats, secrets. A whole picture of this boy being groomed and normalised into believing that what this man was doing with him was alright.”

The London man had denied all the allegations against him, which involved him allegedly touching himself in front of the boys and getting them to perform sex acts on him.

But part-way through the trial, Brady’s barrister asked for five charges to be put to his client again. 

In front of the jury, the defendant, of Southwark, London, pleaded guilty to four charges of indecency with a child and an allegation of indecent assault. 

The trial continued on the remaining three counts. Last month, the jury took an hour and 52 minutes to deliver guilty verdicts on two counts of indecency with a child and one charge of indecent assault on a male. 

Those verdicts can now be reported after Judge Lamb lifted reporting restrictions preventing the outcome of the trial from being published. 

He will be sentenced at Oxford Crown Court in September. Judge Lamb warned him last month that he should make sure he'd sorted his affairs.

She said: “These are serious matters and they carry a significant prison sentence. I don’t want you to go from here thinking it’s going to be anything other than prison. I want you to use the time to make sure you’ve got your arrangements in order.” 

In 1997, Brady was jailed for eight years at Winchester Crown Court on indecency charges. The sentence was later reduced on appeal. He remains a registered sex offender.