A MORE aggressive HIV strain that triggers Aids in double-quick time is potentially lethal unless caught early, say Oxford University scientists.

The new variant has swept the Netherlands and infected individuals need quick treatment - before the virus ravages their immune system.

Named 'VB' (virulent subtype B), it also has implications for Covid-19. The ongoing pandemic is being fuelled by mutations.

For many years, there have been concerns this could arise in HIV - which has now been confirmed.

The Aids-causing virus affects 38 million people worldwide - and has claimed 33 million lives.

Lead author Dr Chris Wymant, of the University of Oxford, said: "Before this study, the genetics of the HIV virus were known to be relevant for virulence, implying the evolution of a new variant could change its impact on health.

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"Discovery of the VB variant demonstrated this, providing a rare example of the risk posed by viral virulence evolution."

The study, which is in the journal Science, showed patients diagnosed with VB had a viral load up to 5.5 times higher, in comparison to those infected with other HIV strains.

They were also more likely to transmit the virus to others and the rate of damage to the immune system from the decline in T cells happened twice as fast.

By the time the individuals were diagnosed, they were vulnerable to full-blown Aids within two to three years.

Senior author Professor Christophe Fraser, also from Oxford, said: "Our findings emphasise the importance of World Health Organisation guidance that individuals at risk of acquiring HIV have access to regular testing to allow early diagnosis, followed by immediate treatment.

"This limits the amount of time HIV can damage an individual's immune system and jeopardise their health.

"It also ensures that HIV is suppressed as quickly as possible, which prevents transmission to other individuals."

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VB was first identified in 17 HIV positive individuals from the BEEHIVE project that collects samples from across Europe and Uganda.

Since 15 came from the Netherlands, the researchers analysed data from a cohort of over 6,700 Dutch HIV patients.

This identified an additional 92 cases from all over the country - bringing the total to 109.

An analysis of genetic patterns suggests VB first arose during the late 1980s and 1990s in the Netherlands.

It spread more quickly than other variants during the 2000s - but has been declining since around 2010.

HIV can be divided into two main types - HIV-1 and HIV-2. The former is more virulent and responsible for most cases. VB belongs to a subgroup.

The researchers believe VB emerged in spite of widespread treatment - not because of it. Effective drugs can suppress transmission.

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