THE illustrator of children’s favourite, Winnie the Witch, visited a primary school as part of a fundraising trip.

Korky Paul spent the day at St Swithun’s Primary School in Kennington, to help raise funds for The Nasio Trust.

Mr Paul gave illustration demonstrations, with the school raising more than £1,200.

Funds will go towards building a library in Mumias, western Kenya.

See also: Village raises more than £6,000 for humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan

St Swithun’s headteacher Caroline Knighton said: “We were delighted to have Korky in school – what a wonderful opportunity for our children whilst helping others on the other side of the world.

“It was brilliant, he gave up his whole day for us. It’s the sort of thing the children remember, they were spellbound.

“He really engages the children and you can hear a pin drop when they’re listening to him.”

The Nasio Trust, based in Abingdon, has to raise a further £6,000 to build the library.

There are two fundraising events planned on the weekend of April 2 and 3, at Wesley Memorial Church in Oxford city centre.

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