Extinction Rebellion has placed a series of brightly coloured posters around Oxford.

The posters, which include the phrases ‘code red for humanity’, ‘our gov’t has failed us’ and ‘rebel for life’, have been spotted around the city on buildings and in bus spots.

Printed on orange, pink and yellow paper, the posters also state the date April 9 in bright letters.

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This is Oxfordshire: The posters, placed on a building in SummertownThe posters, placed on a building in Summertown

This date refers to a ‘peaceful mass’ Extinction Rebellion demonstration which will take place in London, aiming to ‘strike at the seats of political and corporate power’.

Providing details of the event, an Extinction Rebellion spokesperson said: “On the April 9 2022 we will rebel together against the fossil fuel economy and the powerful interests that are blocking the change we so desperately need.”


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