The partner of the late inspirational explorer who was set to climb Mount Everest, is raising awareness of Parkinson’s disease by taking on an obstacle course designed by the military.

Wantage adventurer Alex Flynn was set to be the first man with Parkinson’s to climb Mount Everest. However, he passed away in Nepal ahead of his planned trip to scale the world’s highest mountain.

The 49-year-old was just 36 when he was diagnosed in 2008 and dedicated his life to completing adventures.

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In his memory, his partner Justine Nunn and Quentin Bevan, Owner of the Engine House Gym, Ardington, are taking part in this year’s Born Survivor event on May 7 in Cheshire.

The duo decided to jointly take his place in the event and continue to raise awareness and funds for the Oxfordshire charity Parkinsons.Me, who support families living with the disease.

This is Oxfordshire: Alex FlynnAlex Flynn

In honour of Mr Flynn, a world record will also be attempted at the event, by Royal Marines Commando now Adventurer, Jack Fleckney.

He will climb up and down a rope the height of Everest in 24 hours. This will involve him scaling a rope 29,029ft by a 30ft.

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Mr Fleckney will have to deal with torn blistered hands, no sleep and push himself to new physical limits. However, he sees this as just a “small feat compared to Alex’s accomplishments.”

Mr Bevan said: “Alex always pushed the limits with his challenges, and this is definitely what this event will do. The obstacles are big, high, and claustrophobic, involve total immersion and much more. We have been told that at some point you will feel beaten, shattered, tearful and probably scared and this really relates to how a person and family receiving a Parkinson’s diagnosis must feel.”

This is Oxfordshire: Alex FlynnAlex Flynn

Ms Nunn said: “Like Alex, when he decided to take on the challenge of Everest, this challenge will certainly be incredibly hard. I am completely out of my comfort zone in this environment. On top of dealing with the loss of my partner and every challenge that brings on a daily basis, I too am curious to see how far I can go beyond that which we think we are capable of.

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“Everyday people with neurological disease lose a little part of themselves and over time this leads to a lack of confidence and a loss of self-worth. Alex wanted to make people aware that diagnosis is no barrier to being able to achieve your goals and dreams, to give people back their confidence and self-worth and prove that, whether or not you have neurological disease, we can all be extraordinary.”

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