KYLE JONES, 22, of John Morris Road, Abingdon, admitted breaching the requirements of a community order made at Oxford Magistrates’ Court on February 2 by failing to attend planned office visits on April 19, April 27 and May 4 without a reasonable excuse. He was fined £230.

GASPER MOREIRA, 32, of Bernwood Road, Oxford, appealed to the court to amend the requirements of a community order made by Oxford Magistrates’ Court on July 15 on the ground of language barriers. He was dealt with again for the original offence of not telling the authorities about a change of address between February 5 and June 10 whilst being on the sexual offender’s register. He was resentenced to another community order and will be placed under electronic monitoring system meaning he has a curfew. As part of the conditions, he must remain indoors at his home address between 9am and 5pm every Sunday. 

LEWIS TAYLOR-ROE, 31, of Corn Street, Witney, admitted breaching the requirements of a community order made by Reading Magistrates’ Court on August 12 by failing to attend unpaid work sessions as instructed on April 10 and April 24 and failing to provide evidence of a reasonable excuse in good time. The conditions of his community order were varied and he now must have sessions with a responsible officer and attend an activity for 35 days. 

HASAN ZUBAIR, 21, of Alma Road, Banbury, admitted breaching the requirements of a community order made by Oxford Magistrates’ Court on February 28 by failing to attend a planned office visit on April 27 and failing to attend unpaid work on April 28 without a reasonable excuse. His community order was varied at Oxford Magistrates’ Court and he must now carry out 130 hours of unpaid work in the next 12 months. 

KATRINA BALDRY, 32, of Bull Baulk, Banbury, admitted driving at 67mph in a 40mph zone on the A41 in Bicester on November 4. She was fined £666, ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £66 and court costs of £90. Her driving licence was also endorsed with six penalty points. 

LEE BURNAGE, 38, of Manor Crescent, Didcot, was convicted of driving a car when the front near side wheel was fitted with a pneumatic tyre which had the ply or cord exposed on November 12 in Abingdon as well as having tyres with insufficient tread. He was fined £440, ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £44 and court costs of £90. His driving licence was also endorsed with three penalty points.

MARK COLWILL, 62, of The Old Smithy, Thame, was convicted of failing to give information about the driver who was suspected to be guilty of an offence when required between January 11 and February 2 in Banbury.  He was fined £660, ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £66 and court costs of £90. His driving licence was also endorsed with six penalty points. 

WILLIAM COOPER, 41, of Roper Road, Upper Heyford, admitted driving at 46mph in a 30mph zone on the B4011 in Oakley, Buckinghamshire, on November 4. He was fined £292, ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £34 and court costs of £90. His driving record was also endorsed with five penalty points. 

ABIGAIL FAULKNER, 31, of Meadford, Benson, admitted failing to give information relating to the identification of a driver who was suspected to be guilty of a driving offence on December 22, 2021 in North Kidlington. She was fined £306, ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £34 and court costs of £90. Her driving licence was also endorsed with six penalty points.