Network Rail's closure of Botley Road in Oxford for a £161m scheme to improve Oxford station is less than a month away.

Last year, in a shock announcement, the rail authority and the county council said they planned to close the road at the rail bridge for 12 months from January 9 so that major improvements to the station could take place.

But then the year-long closure option was scrapped for a major re-think, and now the new closure date is Tuesday, April 11.

Why does Botley Road have to close?

Work includes re-routing utility cables, replacing the Botley Road rail bridge, and starting to build a new western entrance to the station.

This year's work will focus on rerouting the underground cables in and around the station and the closure will remain in place until October.

The road will then be closed for a similar period next year and at the end of the second closure period the rail bridge will be replaced.

Is Botley Road itself closed?

No. Drivers will be able to access Botley Road and all the shops and businesses on it.

Arrangements have not yet been finalised, but the closure could start at the Ferry Hinksey Road junction and only residents, buses and businesses would be allowed beyond this point but they would not be allowed to travel under the bridge.

Network Rail spokesman David Paull said: "We are currently in the process of finalising our traffic management plan."

READ AGAIN: Latest Network Rail plans to close Botley Road 

This is Oxfordshire:

Will emergency services be able to get under the bridge?

No. Emergency services have been told this will not be possible for safety reasons and have pledged to try to ensure their response times will not be affected.


READ AGAIN: Station Grill to be demolished

This is Oxfordshire:

How do residents have their say?

A community group has been established called West Oxford Access to lobby Network Rail and the county council over changes to bus routes and other important issues affecting the community.

READ AGAIN: Botley Road youth hostel will be demolished

This is Oxfordshire:

How will buses be affected?

Buses will not be able to get under the rail bridge in either direction so a turning circle is being created close to the junction with Roger Dudman Way.

The demolition of the youth hostel and Station Grill, formerly Mick's Cafe, is helping to make room for a turning circle.

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This story was written by Andy Ffrench, he joined the team more than 20 years ago and now covers community news across Oxfordshire.

Get in touch with him by emailing:

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