A Second World War veteran who lives near Abingdon has celebrated his 100th birthday.

Sydney Jesse Clark – who likes to be called ‘Nobby’ – was joined by around 100 friends and family for his party at the Wootton & Dry Sandford Community Centre on Monday. 

He wore an inflatable crown throughout the day and sat at the head of the room with his daughter Ann and grandchildren Mark and Sharon.

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Mr Clark said: “It is wonderful to be joined by this lovely community who are so friendly. I came to this village 11 years ago to be closer to my daughter, and everyone has always been so kind.”

Born in Tackley in 1923, Mr Clark then moved with his family to Killingworth Castle Public House in Woodstock.

This is Oxfordshire: Mr Clark sat at a table at the head of the room with his daughter Ann and grandchildren Mark and Sharon.Mr Clark sat at a table at the head of the room with his daughter Ann and grandchildren Mark and Sharon. (Image: Albert Tait)

He worked at Lucy’s Ironworks in Jericho and joined the Navy in the Second World War. He returned to the ironworks afterwards where he met his wife Barbara.

Mr Clark lived in Jericho for more than 60 years. In 2012, he moved to Wooton to be closer to his daughter Ann and grandchildren Mark and Sharon.

When asked the secret to a long life, he said: “It’s all about pedigree. My father was a farm worker, and my mother was in the land army. I’m a country boy.

“It’s also about being surrounded by great people and having a good social life. You have everything here.”