A pregnant drug dealer will likely give birth behind bars – after she was jailed for two-and-a-half years.

Sophia Ewers, 30, admitted being involved in the supply of class A drugs from her home in Greater Leys last year.

But she claimed that she played only a limited role in the ‘Blue’ drugs line – and that she had been ‘exploited’ by a man she named in court as Dean and who she kicked out of her home just days before a police raid in November.

After hearing evidence from police officers and the heavily-pregnant defendant at Oxford Crown Court, a judge rejected Ewers’ account and concluded that she had played a significant role in the ‘County Lines’ operation.

READ MORE: Judge rules on 'Blue' drugs line dealer

Recorder John Bate-Williams said: “The question boils down to this: if not the defendant, who?”

This is Oxfordshire: Sophia EwersSophia Ewers (Image: Thames Valley Police)

He added: “Dealing in drugs, especially class A drugs, is a very serious offence witnessed by the courts day by day by day, as we see good and useful lives ruined.”

Ewers appeared before the crown court via video link from Eastwood Park prison on Friday (March 24), when she was jailed for 136 weeks by Recorder Bate-Williams.

The sentence, expressed in weeks, comes to around two years and seven months.

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