The longest married couple in an Oxfordshire village have celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary with a card from King Charles. 

William and Benita Slater got married on April 4, 1953 and this month marked their platinum anniversary.

The couple from Long Wittenham, near Didcot, have lived in the village most of their lives.

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Mr Slater, now aged 93, came from the Midlands to work in Aston Tyrold as a jockey.

This is Oxfordshire: Mr and Mrs Slater on their wedding day in 1953Mr and Mrs Slater on their wedding day in 1953 (Image: Deborah Slater)

Mrs Slater, aged 90, used to work as a nanny.

The couple first met at a dance and enjoyed playing tennis together.

They celebrated their anniversary with a party for approximately 50 people at the Marlborough Club in Didcot.

Mr Slater and Mrs Slater said they are looking forward to many more happy years together.

This is Oxfordshire: Mr and Mrs Slater outside the church where they got married 70 years laterMr and Mrs Slater outside the church where they got married 70 years later (Image: Deborah Slater)

Mr Slater added: “We have had our ups and downs, but we are still a loving couple!”

The pair have four children, Deborah, Stephen, David and Annette.

They also have six grandchildren and six great grandchildren.