An asylum seeker frustrated at the way he had been treated by the system unleashed a barrage of racist abuse at three police officers and a nurse.

Among Ahmed Abdalla foul-mouthed tirade was the claim that ‘white men all have small penises’. He variously called the police officers accompanying him at the John Radcliffe Hospital ‘white pr**k’, ‘cracker’, ‘white boy’ and ‘pagans’.

Oxford Magistrates’ Court heard the 37-year-old also turned his attention to a nurse at the hospital, calling her an ‘old Asian b****’.

Abdalla was taken to the hospital on Monday, May 1, having told police officers – falsely – that he had swallowed hash cannabis.

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The police officers were originally called after Abdalla boarded a bus in Oxford, asked if he could be taken to the Holiday Inn Express for free then refused to get off the vehicle when the bus driver refused to give him a free ride.

When he was eventually taken to the police station, officers searched him and found a small amount of cannabis in his pocket.

In an interview, he largely answered no comment to the officers’ questions. When quizzed about the cannabis, however, he confusingly said he did not know how the drugs got in his pocket as he had been in handcuffs.

Mitigating, John Berry said that his client, an Egyptian national, had been in the UK for a decade. His permission to remain in the country had expired and, around two years ago, he made an asylum application.

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Since then, he had been ‘moved from pillar to post’, Mr Berry said. “Various parts of the country, various hotels, immigration centres. Around two weeks ago he told the Home Office he wanted to go home and he wanted to abandon his application [for asylum].”

However, because he had lost his identity documents ‘it appears the Home Office can’t simply deport him’, his solicitor said. It was anticipated he would return to Egypt within weeks.

The court was told that Abdalla suffered from mental health conditions including paranoid schizophrenia.

Ahmed, who gave his address as the Holiday Inn Express, near the Kassam Stadium, pleaded guilty to racially aggravated disorderly behaviour, disorderly conduct and possession of cannabis.

Jailing him for 12 weeks, District Judge Kamlesh Rana said: “I take into account your personal circumstances; not only the very frustrating situation that you must have experienced being subject to the asylum system and the immigration system but also your other difficulties with your mental health.

“None of that justifies your offensive and quite racist language not only to police officers but other public servants.”