An historic memorial garden which had fallen into disrepair and become overgrown has been brought back to life by a team of volunteers in Woodstock.

After more than a year of exhaustive work, the Hensington House Memorial Garden in Hensington Road has officially opened to visitors.

The garden marks the site of the former Hensington House Chapel, part of Woodstock's old Victorian workhouse.

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The workhouse was demolished in 1969 and the chapel in 1971, although the ground remains consecrated.

The area has been transformed from an overgrown mess to an oasis of thoughtfully chosen shrubs, flowers and trees with landscaped borders and paving since the project began in winter 2021.

At the centre is an impressive iron rose arch, and a number of coping stones from the original chapel building have been utilised in the garden's design.

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The restoration work has been led by former Woodstock mayor John Banbury, who officially opened the garden.

This is Oxfordshire: Woodstock memorial garden

He said: “The memorial garden is a key part of Woodstock's heritage and I am utterly delighted to see the extraordinary transformation which has taken place.

"Now, thanks to so many hours of voluntary work and so many generous donations, Woodstock has been given back the garden so that it can be enjoyed by all generations today and in the future.

"I thank everyone who has in any way contributed to this remarkable achievement. Once again, this wonderful garden can be a place to come and enjoy meeting friends or sitting in quiet contemplation.

"What could be a more fitting memorial to the old chapel in the years to come?"

Among the project’s supporters were the Trust for Oxfordshire's Environment (TOE) and Grundons Waste Management, The Worshipful Company of Gardeners, the Stanley Smith (UK) Horticultural Trust, the Doris Field Trust, the Blenheim Estate, Brandon Plant Hire, and many local donors and businesses.

Anyone interested in supporting the ongoing maintenance of the garden should contact