An Oxfordshire MP has explained why she did not vote on an amendment calling for immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Anneliese Dodds, of the Oxford East constituency, abstained from SNP motion which called for "all parties to agree to an immediate ceasefire".

Dozens of Labour MPs backed the motion, however, inciting "a major rebellion" in the party with the resignation of eight shadow ministers and two parliamentary private secretaries.

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Ms Dodds said in a public statement: "Over the last six weeks we've seen so many horrendous scenes, both in Israel and in Gaza.

"I sincerely hope that there can be a cessation of violence by both parties and there are reports that one may be about to be negotiated."

She continued: "This, Labour amendment I voted for, unlike the SNP's amendment, is specific in stating that 'all human life is equal', and also that there have been 'far too many deaths of innocent civilians and children, over the past month in Gaza'."

Among the 125 MPs who did not vote against immediate ceasefire were 56 rebel Labour MPs as well as all Liberal Democrat MPs, including Oxford West and Abingdon's Layla Moran.

This is Oxfordshire: A woman bakes bread in Rafah, Gaza stripA woman bakes bread in Rafah, Gaza strip

No Conservative MPs backed the SNP motion.

Labour's own amendment calling for longer "humanitarian pauses" also did not pass with MPs voting 290 to 183 to reject it.

The House voted on Wednesday night to reject an SNP amendment to the King’s Speech calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, and against a Labour amendment calling among other things for longer “humanitarian pauses”.

This is Oxfordshire: A Palestinian boy stands among the destruction after Israeli strikes on Rafah, Gaza Strip,Pro-Palestinian protesters marched past Parliament as MPs debated and voted on the issue.

The Commons leader Penny Mordaunt said some MPs have come under “increased threat” after the Commons voted against backing calls for a ceasefire.

Ms Mordaunt made her remarks in the Commons during a session of questions related to the business of the House.

She said: “The debate last night did show this House its two main parties and the bulk of members united in its support for Israel’s duty to protect her people and for there to be an end of suffering for civilians – all civilians – and for the longer-term solution for peace.

“Since the vote last night I know some members have come under increased threat. No matter which way people voted, it will have been a considered decision.

“No matter whether you agree with them or not, it is their duty to exercise their own judgement.

“Today all members should think about what they can do to diffuse such threats made against our colleagues in this place.”

*An earlier version of this article said that Anneliese Dodds had voted against the call for a ceasefire. This was incorrect as she abstained from the vote. Apologies if there was any confusion caused. *