Increased city centre car parking prices have been branded a "money-making scheme" and have been criticised by traders.

Street parking costs in 14 areas of Oxford are set to rise on April 15, from £13.20 to £15.20 for two hours.

The increase is being applied to Beaumont Street, Blackhall Road, Cromwell Street, Keble Road, King Edward Street and Longwall Street.

Also included are Mansfield Road, Merton Street, Museum Road, Parks Road, Savile Road, St Giles, Wellington Square and Woodstock Road.

City councillor Saj Malik, of the Temple Cowley ward, said: "Oxfordshire County Council is doing its best to kill trade in Oxford city centre in the name of preventing people from driving.

This is Oxfordshire: Saj Malik.Saj Malik. (Image: Oxford City Council.)

READ MORE: Ban on cars approved outside schools in Oxford and Didcot

"Unfortunately the majority of people paying are visitors.

"When people come to visit our beautiful city they need to park somewhere.

"There are normally eight to 10 million tourists a year - that is the figure before Covid and we're getting back to that level now."

Carfax and Jericho ward councillor Alex Hollingsworth felt less strongly about the increase but said he was still frustrated parking in St Giles and Walton Street will cost the same.

He added: "Obviously car park charges have to go up. That's the way of the world.

"I think there will have been an impact on local businesses but most are still going so it hasn't had a calamitous impact."

The council move has prompted mixed views from traders in the city as well.

Adrian King, who runs a vintage garment store Again Garments, said: "Parking is a big concern of mine."

This is Oxfordshire: Ade King sells vintage clothes in Oxford.Ade King sells vintage clothes in Oxford. (Image: Newsquest)

"Street parking doesn't really work for us traders because you have to move your car after two hours.

"My frustration is I think a lot of people understand we need to transition into a world where we are not using cars as much but the issue is the way we transition.

"Customers don't look at Oxford as an easy option for a day out parking.

"Your options for nipping into town are quite slim.

"So this will impact me indirectly."

This is Oxfordshire: Graham MacDonald.Graham MacDonald.

Graham MacDonald, who works at the iScream store in the Covered Market has said he appreciates why there is a "downer" on cars coming into Oxford.

But he added: "I don't think there are adequate alternatives in place.

"My 8.24am bus arrived this morning at quarter to nine."

Oxfordshire County Council said people also have the option using off-street parking or the Park and Ride facilities located around the city. 

This is Oxfordshire: St Giles parking.St Giles parking. (Image: Olivia Christie)

A combined parking and bus 24 hour ticket at tPark and Ride locations is £4 for a car and one adult bus ticket or £5 for a car and two adult bus tickets.

A county council spokesman added: "All parking income is and has always only been spent on transport related schemes in Oxfordshire."