Oxford University student pro-Palestine protesters who staged a "die-in" outside a graduation ceremony have accused security guards of "unacceptable harassment". 

Students in academic dress soaked in fake blood, aligned with Oxford Action for Palestine (OA4P), staged protests outside the Sheldonian Theatre on Saturday morning. 

They called on the university administration to commence negotiations with the encampment for Gaza - that has set up a secondary camp in front of the Radcliffe Camera. 

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The first camp began on May 6 at the site which protesters have called Pitt Rivers - located outside the Oxford University Museum of Natural History which leads into the Pitt Rivers Museum.

Following the die-in at the Sheldonian on May 18, student protesters continued to the Radcliffe Camera where they hung a banner that read "OUR TUITION FEES = BLOOD MONEY" outside the library window. 

On X, formerly Twitter, OA4P has posted videos and images of a security guard the group alleges kicked students. 

The Oxford Action for Palestine shared a video of a man they labelled as an employee from Oxford University who they said "openly admits to kicking students during graduation die-in for Gaza". 

In video footage, a student filming the die-in can be heard telling the security guard, "you just kicked a student". 

This is Oxfordshire: Student protesters stage a 'die-in' in front of the Sheldonian Threatre.

The man replies "yes" to camera before continuing, "yes, so did somebody else trying to get through". 

Another video posted on social media shows the same man apparently kicking the legs of students at the "die-in" and also trying to close a door to push students out of an entrance. 

A statement from OA4P said the university administration had "refused contact" despite what they said was "rapidly-growing campus-wide support for the OA4P encampment and its demands". 

"During the die-in, university security harassed students who lay still on the ground in front of the Sheldonian," the statement said. 

"In two instances, security kicked students and shut doors on their heads – both of which were caught on camera. ​​​​​​​

"Despite this unacceptable harassment, the action proceeded without violent escalation."

A university spokesperson said they were aware of "the ongoing demonstration by members of our university community". 

"We respect our students and staff members right to freedom of expression in the form of peaceful protests," they said.

This is Oxfordshire: Graduation attendees step over protesters pretending to be dead.

"We ask everyone who is taking part to do so with respect, courtesy and empathy.

"Oxford University’s primary focus is the health and safety of the university community, and to ensure any impact on work, research and learning, including student exams, is minimised.

"As we have stressed in our student and staff communications there is no place for intolerance at the University of Oxford."

The university has been approached regarding the specific allegations relating to the security guard and the circulation of video footage.