Cars, vans, mowers, landscaping equipment and power tools are some of the items set to go up for sale in Oxford at the end of the month.

The Oxford Direct Services (ODS) vehicle and plant equipment sale will offer pre-owned vehicles and machinery.

Viewing will start at 8am on June 29 at the ODS Cowley Marsh Depot with the auction starting at 10.30am.

Councillor Nigel Chapman, cabinet member for citizen focused services and council companies, said: "It’s great to see the vehicle and plant auction is returning this year with such a large number of items for sale.

"It offers an ideal opportunity for residents to come along and grab a bargain."

He added: "To take part you simply need to register and get along to the Cowley Marsh Depot.

“The auctions always attract all sorts of people and businesses. We’re expecting many enthusiastic bidders to attend.

"Don't miss this great opportunity to acquire quality vehicles and equipment.”

All attendees must register to purchase. This can be done directly through the South Western Vehicle Auctions website, which is running the auction, or can take place on the day.

A deposit will be taken upon registration, which will allow individuals to bid.

Detailed information about the items available for bidding can be found on the ODS website and the South Western Vehicle Auctions website.