The 2024 General Election is fast approaching and Oxfordshire residents need to know more about who is standing in their constituency.

We have therefore had a question and answer session with each of the parliamentary candidates in Didcot & Wantage.

The six candidates have shared why they are standing and what they can bring to the people of the constituency.

READ MORE: Didcot & Wantage candidates on why they should get your General Election vote

All of the group also opened up a  little more about their private life from favourite films and music to whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza.

Here's what everyone said:


David Johnston, Conservative Party

David Johnston.David Johnston. (Image: David Johnston)


EB: Why did you decide to stand again?

DJ: "I love living in this beautiful constituency and I remain 100 per cent committed to campaigning and delivering on the issues that matter to local people.

"We have made good progress and I want to build on this.

"There are now 870 more police officers locally since 2019, the Government has provided millions of pounds to our Liberal Democrat County Council to fix our roads (and they should get on with urgently using it), and I got Grove Station on a list to be considered for Government funding for the first time ever. 

"While my Liberal Democrat opponent was fighting to be an MP in London in 2019, I was here fighting for you. If I am re-elected, I will continue to be a champion for local people."


EB: How have the last five years been?

DJ: "Unexpected but it has been hugely rewarding to help so many local people. Three months after I was elected, the global pandemic hit.

"I worked every day to get local people the support they needed from furlough payments to business grants, and volunteered with local charities.

"We have also seen Putin invade Ukraine and trigger a global cost-of-living crisis.

"This has been incredibly difficult for local people and the Government made the right choice to step in and pay half of people’s energy bills and provide billions worth of cost-of-living support. 

"I've been pleased to resolve countless issues directly with the Government, our councils and various other places to help local people."


EB: What is the biggest issue facing the nation right now in your opinion?

DJ: "Security. As a nation we continue to face serious economic, energy and national security threats. It is vital that we have strong leadership to face these head on, to keep us safe, make sure our energy and food systems are resilient, and to keep costs down for families.

"We need a government with a clear plan to do this, which is why Sir Keir Starmer gives me no confidence as we still don't know what he believes. 

"We also need a strong local voice in Parliament who will fight for you. If you re-elect me, I will continue to fight for all our towns and villages, and to ensure that our security is at the top of the agenda.


EB: Do you think pineapple belongs on pizza and what is your favourite meal?

DJ: "I wouldn’t have it myself, but I find fried eggs on pizza more offensive! My favourite meal is probably a full English, ideally with fried bread."


EB: What is your biggest phobia or fear?

DJ: "When I was younger it was wasps because, as a child, I once put a jumper on that had a wasp inside and got repeatedly stung."


Mocky Khan, Labour Party

Mocky Khan.Mocky Khan. (Image: Mocky Khan)


EB: Why have you decided to stand and why in this area?

MK: "I was born in Bangladesh and came over to the UK when I was very young.

"It was a loving but a tough childhood as we lived and survived on benefits.

"My parents, brothers and sisters lived in an overcrowded house, to the extent I slept at the end of the bed, wrapped in a sleeping bag.

"My father worked as a chef but it was hard with his low income to pay for our rising household bills.

"The comprehensive school I went to was next to one of the best public schools in the country and I saw the difference between the haves and have-nots.

"As early as eight years old, I was acting as the adult, since as my parents could not speak or understand English.

"We did not go away on holiday, only bought the basics and I learnt what it is like to struggle. I worked hard through school and university to ensure that I could help my family and others left behind.

"I got involved with community work, supporting those in need and becoming their voice when no-one else would listen.

"My family and I have needed and relied on the NHS for life-changing diagnoses, treatment, and operations.

"Because of my family circumstances and reliance on the NHS and welfare state, my political views soon became aligned with Labour’s values.

"This is why I am now standing for Labour in the General Election.

"As a resident of Didcot and active locally for over ten years my desire to help the vulnerable and those in need without a voice has not changed.

"I understand our area and issues and am a local school governor and trustee of a number of charities.

"I want to be the voice of our residents in Parliament, as for far too long our views have gone unheard, sustainable infrastructure for our growing area has not been delivered, and services such as doctors, dentists, community centres and schools have been cut.


EB: What promises can you make to the Didcot and Wantage areas specifically?

MK: "Didcot and Wantage are experiencing explosive growth in housing as demand spills out from London and Oxford.

"Labour will: deliver investment and planning reform to build 1.5 million homes with the biggest boost to affordable, social and council housing in a generation; build on disused grey belt land; fast track permissions on brownfield; and build the next generation of new towns, with new housing balanced by good public transport and facilities.

"As the Didcot and Wantage MP, I would work to ensure that 50 per cent of housing is genuinely affordable.

"When we left office in 2010, the NHS had the lowest waiting lists on record and the highest patient satisfaction in history. Labour will:

  • Reverse the trend of rising waiting lists for NHS care.
  • Deliver an extra 40,000 GP appointments a week at evenings and weekends.
  • expand NHS dental care – currently virtually unavailable in Didcot and Wantage.
  • Improve access to NHS pharmacy provisions.
  • I will fight for the resourcing and refurbishment of Wantage, Didcot and Wallingford Community Hospitals.

"Our rivers are polluted, and half of our bird species are at risk of extinction.

"I will support Labour’s intention to introduce the Countryside Protection Plan to protect nature, end the decline of British wildlife, promote biodiversity and increase access to beautiful landscapes within our towns and villages.

"Also, I will ensure water companies are forced to clean up our rivers and streams, and are punished if they don’t.

"We need to fight for small businesses in Didcot, Wantage, Wallingford and the surrounding communities to keep each town and village distinctive.

"As the local MP, I’d work to ensure that mixed urban/rural communities like ours get a fairer share in the future. I will support Labour’s plans that will:

  • prioritise local banking hubs, giving local businesses access to funds
  • introduce new town centre police patrols to tackle anti-social behaviour
  • make Britain a Clean Energy Superpower, cut small business energy bills and create thousands of opportunities for small tradespeople
  • improve transport links and connectivity so residents can get to amenities and shops.

"Labour will shift power out of Westminster to national towns and regions.

"I will ensure that residents of all ages have a say in how we can deliver for Didcot and Wantage.

"Together we can improve our lives.

"We need a Labour MP who will deliver for Didcot and Wantage and secure the services here – not an ineffective opposition Tory or Lib Dem."


EB: What is the biggest issue facing the nation right now in your opinion?

MK: "The biggest issues is the chaos that the Tories have caused over the last fourteen years.

"Everything is broken and needs fixing; we need to restore hope and rebuild Britain.

"I believe that we must deliver economic stability with tough spending rules, so we can grow our economy and keep taxes, inflation and mortgages as low as possible.

"We need to ease the cost of living crisis and the pressure on household finances.

"The climate and natural world crisis is the greatest long-term global challenge that we face.

"Labour’s clean energy transition represents a huge opportunity to generate growth and make Britain energy independent once again.

"I believe in our five missions to rebuild the country.

"Kickstart economic growth to secure the highest sustained growth in the G7 – with good jobs and productivity growth in every part of the country making everyone, not just a few, better off.

"Make Britain a clean energy superpower to cut bills, create jobs and deliver security with cheaper, zero-carbon electricity by 2030, accelerating to net zero.

"Take back our streets by halving serious violent crime and raising confidence in the police and criminal justice system.

"Break down barriers to opportunity by reforming our childcare and education systems, to make sure there is no impediment to the ambitions of young people in Britain.

"Build an NHS which is available the moment people need it, with fewer lives lost to killers like cancer, in a fairer Britain where everyone lives well for longer


EB: What is your favourite film and why?

MK: "I enjoyed the Rocky films.

"This is because it is a story about an outsider and underdog who beats the odds to win.

"I also like the song ‘Eye of the Tiger’: it can really be motivating and get you ready for the day."


EB: Do you have any interesting hobbies away from politics?

MK: "I love watching all types of sports from athletics to wrestling and everything in between.

"My main passion is football, and I am a season ticket holder for Spurs, yes, I am aware that Spurs’ trophy cabinet is rather bare at the moment, but I am an eternal optimist!

"At one stage, I was very interested in Scrabble, and I even have a trophy to prove it!"


Olly Glover, Liberal Democrats

Olly Glover.Olly Glover. (Image: Olly Glover)


EB: Why have you decided to stand and why in this area?

OG: "Most people who get into politics do so because they have identified something they believe needs to be made better and think they have the ideas to achieve that.

"That is the case with me. I have lived for several years in Milton and have seen problems caused by housing developments being built without adequate infrastructure such as GP surgeries, and public utilities, such as water companies, not delivering adequate services whilst increasing charges."


EB: What promises can you make to the Didcot and Wantage areas specifically?

OG: "All year round, I will dedicate time to meeting with local organisations and listening to voters on their doorsteps.

"I will communicate and engage with residents on parliamentary votes and wider developments affecting our area.

"I will seek every opportunity to get best value for taxpayers’ money from me as an MP and the associated costs of undertaking the role."


EB: What is the biggest issue facing the nation right now in your opinion?

OG: "Taxes are higher than they have been for decades, yet public services are under significant strain.

"This is why, alongside our proposals to fund improvements to public services through restoring taxes on banking profits and reviewing the capital gains tax on very high transactions, it is important that we get our economy moving.

"The Liberal Democrat plans to invest in skills training, better apprenticeship schemes, and research and development are so important."


EB: What is your favourite flavour of crisps and why? Do you have any favourite snacks?

OG: "Definitely salt and vinegar crisps, as I like the intensity of the vinegar flavour!

"I love Indian snacks, for example, samosa chaat which is slightly squashed samosas, topped with chickpea curry, mint and tamarind chutneys, yoghurt, and coriander.

"A really delicious mix of flavours."


EB: Who are your favourite musicians and what was the best gig you have seen live?

"I like the Bee Gees a lot but less so the Saturday Night Fever stuff they are most famous for.

"More their later material, including the many great songs they wrote for other stars, like Diana Ross’ Chain Reaction.

"I got the opportunity to go to a Kylie Minogue concert at Earls Court in 2005, and that was really something."


Sam Casey-Rerhaye, Green Party

Sam Casey-RerhayeSam Casey-Rerhaye (Image: South and Vale Greens)


EB: Why have you decided to stand and why in this area?

SC: "I have lived in south Oxfordshire for 18 years now, and love it here as it's a beautiful place full of interesting people.

"But I have seen the impact of austerity and the cost of living crisis on the area and the damage to our countryside from the reckless policies of the last 14 years.

"I believe people needed a chance to vote for the hope and change that the Green Party offers, and to have a local person who is willing to stand up for them.

"As the head of the UN, Antonio Guterres said last month about the climate emergency: 'Now is the time to mobilise, now is the time to act, now is the time to deliver'."


EB: What promises can you make to the Didcot and Wantage areas specifically?

SC-R: "I will work hard to represent them in Parliament, championing the issues that are important to them.

"I will tirelessly challenge whoever makes the next government to be bolder when tackling climate change, the cost of living crisis and the crisis in the NHS.

"I will push for better and safer local transport, properly affordable and decent housing with lower energy bills that will also reduce climate emissions, and better access to dentistry, GPs, and mental health services."


EB: What is the biggest issue facing the nation right now in your opinion?

SC-R: "Climate change is the biggest issue here and across the world, but it is an issue where we already have the solutions, all we are lacking is the political will to implement them.

"The best part about this is that these solutions will also reduce people's household bills, and give them a better quality and healthier life. "


EB: What is your favourite film or TV show of all time and why?

SC-R: "I love the series 'Top of the Lake', Jane Campion is a superb director and I could have chosen any of her work"


EB: If you had to host a dinner party with five famous guests, dead or alive, which five would be invited and why?

SC-R: "What a difficult question!

"I'll try and get a good balance between creative and interesting people who have broken boundaries but would also be fun.

"So I'd ask Victoria Wood, Barbara Castle, Wagari Muta Maathi, John Clare and Hedy Lamarr." 


Steve Beatty, Reform UK

Steve Beatty.Steve Beatty. (Image: Steve Beatty)


EB: Why have you decided to stand and why in this area?

SB: "I decided to stand as I want to get our party’s message out there and help establish Reform for the future in the area.

"So far, it has been an overwhelmingly positive experience. I have lived and worked in Wallingford for over forty years.

"I have built my business from scratch, and it has become one of the town’s largest employers and I was a town councillor in Wallingford for five years."


EB: What promises can you make to the Didcot and Wantage areas specifically?

SB: "The only promise I would make is that I will do my best if elected to Parliament and represent the people who voted me into office."


EB: What is the biggest issue facing the nation right now in your opinion?

SB: "Immigration has been far too much of an emotive issue in the past and it should not be.

"We are an island and nation which needs to go back to prioritising the quality of life for its people.

"I am all for immigration if it is conducted sensibly."


EB: What is your favourite style of music and why? Do you have a favourite artist? Tell me more about your experience in the industry?

SB: "Now the difficult questions! I have a varied music taste, but I really like things like Death, Thrash, Grind Metal and Punk/Post Punk. The latter shows my age doesn’t it.

"The most influential artist to me was the Stranglers, I grew up in the punk era and they were always my favourite band.

"Above all they are my ‘go-to band’, that said, I find myself listening more to extreme metal these days.

"Aside from window cleaning and building work, I have been self-employed since I was a youngster.

"I have been lucky to do my hobby and passion as a career.

"I started the company when I was about 15, doing a cassette label and a small magazine and it’s been an amazing journey building it to what it has become.

"I work with artists, record labels, manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers all over the world.

"It is incredibly varied and there is always a challenge and I like a challenge!"


EB: Do you have any phobias, fears or hobbies?

SC-R: "Phobias: heights as I really don’t like flying anymore but I’ll do it.

"Fears: only of failure.

"Hobbies: music, gardening, watching rugby, film, and I am a big fan of reading military and political history when I get the time."


Kyn Pomlett, SDP

Kyn Pomlett.Kyn Pomlett. (Image: Kyn Pomlett)


EB: Why have you decided to stand and why in this area?

KP: "I have lived in Didcot and Wantage for 30 years and deeply care about the impact that poorly managed public services are having on our community.

"I have been politically homeless for several years until I came across the re-emergent SDP four years ago.

"The SDP’s common-sense values and policies, coupled with their focus on the family encouraged me to stand.

"I would like to give the voters of Didcot and Wantage a very different choice to the existing parties – a political party that values the social and economic well-being of our community and our nation."


EB: What promises can you make to the Didcot and Wantage areas specifically?

KP: "I believe that the voters of Didcot and Wantage have been poorly served by our politicians over the last 25 years or so.

"I would like the opportunity to challenge and influence the decisions that impact our community.

"I would support Thames Water being brought back into public ownership to make them accountable and challenge the rationale behind the proposed reservoir near Steventon.

"I would support and lobby for increased primary care provision throughout the constituency, particularly in light of the large amount of recent development.

"I would lobby for the eradication of expensive diversity, equality and inclusion posts in our local NHS trusts."


EB: What is the biggest issue facing the nation right now in your opinion?

KP: "Cost of living. There are many drivers for this, high energy costs, expensive housing, high legal mass immigration of low-skilled workers, student loan costs, no plan to re-invigorate our domestic industry and the drip feed of our country’s assets and wealth to foreign organisations.

"Our energy costs are high, the SDP support the increase of Nuclear provided electricity from the current 12 per cent to 40 per cent.

"This will provide a solid base to develop our green industries.

"Legal work-related mass immigration suppresses wages, the SDP support bringing this down to 50,000 per annum."


EB: What is your favourite film and music album and why?

KP: "My favourite film is Master and Commander. It is a well-filmed, well-acted adventure yarn.

"The music album is Django by The Modern Jazz Quartet which is really cool 1950/60s jazz with some great tunes.

"I find the title track ‘Django’ a sublime piece of music."


EB: Do you have any interesting hobbies away from politics?

KP: "I walk whenever I can as it’s important to get out into nature to de-stress.

"I tend to read a lot of non-fiction; the acquisition of good quality knowledge is important to me.

"I have played the guitar since I was a teenager and whilst I play regularly, I still play badly.

"I am a 1st Dan karateka, my teacher or sensei lives in Okinawa.

"Currently I’m not training at all however I have promised myself that after the election I will get back on the training mat."