A hot weather Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) has been activated in Oxford by the city council as temperatures rise.

A SWEP means that the Oxford Street Population Outreach Team, ran by homeless charity St Mungo's, will provide enhanced and targeted services to those experiencing rough sleeping. 

The SWEP has been triggered until Thursday 27th June at 5pm when it will be reviewed.

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These services involve signposting those sleeping rough to services and distributing resources such as water, sun cream, hats, as well as carrying out health assessments and welfare checks.

Temperatures are set to reach 27C today (June 25) and tomorrow (June 26), according to the Met Office.

Yvonne Pinner, project lead for Oxfordshire Homeless Movement, said: "This level of heat is deemed to be unlikely to impact most people, but may impact those who are particularly vulnerable.

Yvonne Pinner, project lead for Oxfordshire Homeless Movement Yvonne Pinner, project lead for Oxfordshire Homeless Movement (Image: Oxfordshire Homeless Movement) "Oxfordshire’s response to this is to provide enhanced Outreach service to those experiencing rough sleeping."

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Linda Smith, cabinet member for housing and communities at Oxford City Council said: “It’s really important that we take extra care to check on people’s welfare during the extreme heat.

"We know that vulnerable people are at greater risk during hot periods and that includes people sleeping rough on the street.

“Generally, we know that there are about 35 people sleeping out rough on the streets of Oxford - which is 35 too many - we don’t want anyone to be out sleeping rough."

Ellie Alway-Thomas, senior services manager for  St Mungo's, said: “We are seeing huge spikes in temperatures currently and the risk for rough sleepers is greatly increased during the hottest days.

“The people we support often have existing health conditions which can be exacerbated by the heat, also they may have limited access to things most people take for granted such as fresh drinking water, sun screen or even places where they can get out of the sun – all of which can lead to serious medical problems.

“Our expert Outreach teams are working tirelessly to make sure people are supported during the intense heat.

"This weather may be welcomed by many but for others it can be so dangerous, even life threatening.

"The risk is great not just for people but also for their pets too.

“We urge members of the public to take action if they see someone who is homeless.

"It can be as simple as offering a drink or some sun protection.

“Anyone concerned about a person who is street homeless can contact StreetLink which is a national service which connects people sleeping rough to local support."

Anyone concerned about someone rough sleeping contact OxSPOT on 07590 862049 or Outreach.Oxford@mungos.org, or contact 999 if someone is in immediate danger.