A primary school is applying for permission to put up a garden building for use as an additional classroom.

Burford Primary School on Priory Lane in the west Oxfordshire town is within the Burford Conservation Area and the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

The main original school building is a Grade II listed building.

The school, which is part of Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust, has 144 pupils and is a below-average-size primary school, according to Ofsted.

It was rated as 'good' across all areas at its last Ofsted inspection in February.

Visualisation of the detached garden building (Image: Arlington Garden Buildings/WODC)

In plans lodged with West Oxfordshire District Council, the applicant Arlington Garden Buildings states it would provide a six by four metre detached garden building clad in natural timber which would sit within the playground.

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The applicant says in planning papers that it would not affect the existing building, boundary or access into the site and will be set behind an existing boundary wall which means the building will not be visible from the road.

The developer went on to say that insulation levels will be to current building regulation standards as a minimum to the floors, walls and roof will have double glazed window and doors.

There will be no sanitary fixtures or fittings.