A PRISON sentence has been handed to a man caught sending sexual messages to young girls online.

Benjamin Jones, now of HMP Bullingdon near Bicester, was sentenced at Bristol Crown Court on June 21 for four counts of engaging in sexual communication with a child, three counts of making indecent images of children, and one count of breaching a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO).

The 26-year-old was caught between February 15 and 18, 2023 messaging four young girls online, writing messages such as ‘want me to f*** you next’ and asking for naked photographs.

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Jones also asked one young girl for phone sex and said: “Kisses lips, slides hand down your pants.”

With another girl, he told her that he wanted to ‘face f*** her’, the court heard. 

He was also caught with two Category A images, four Category B images, and seven Category C images.

These counts breached a Sexual Harm Prevention Orders (SHPO) which was put in place at Swindon Crown Court on February 7, 2020 which prevented him from contacting female children under 16 online.

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Jones was jailed for 42 months and was made subject to notification requirements meaning he needs to register with the police indefinitely.

Upon release from custody, he will be asked to report to Swindon Police Station.

Jones is also barred from working with children and vulnerable adults. There were no orders for costs.