A town eatery has been handed a new two-out-of-five food hygiene rating with improvement deemed 'necessary' by inspectors. 

The Market Cafe in Faringdon's Market Place was given the score after an assessment on May 21, the Food Standards Agency's website shows.

The assessment found improvement was necessary in hygienic food handling including preparation, cooking, reheating, cooling and storage. 

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The venue's cleanliness and condition of the facilities and building was found to be generally 'satisfactory', as was the management of food safety. 

This latest rating means that of the Vale of White Horse's 193 restaurants, cafes and canteens with ratings, 130 or 67 per cent have ratings of five and none have zero ratings.

Ratings for businesses can be found online and on stickers which are displayed at business premises.

The scheme gives businesses a rating from five to zero with five meaning hygiene standards are deemed to be 'very good' and zero meaning 'urgent improvement' is required.