We have been asking Parliamentary candidates in Thame and Henley why they deserve your vote ahead of the General Election.

There are seven candidates vying to become the MP: David Carpin – Independent; Nanda Manley-Browne - Labour Party; Caroline Anne Newton - The Conservative Party Candidate; Maryse Pomlett - Social Democratic Party; Jo Robb - The Green Party; Peter Shields - Reform UK; and Freddie Van Mierlo - Liberal Democrats.

The seat was previously held by Conservative MP John Howell, who succeeded Boris Johnson as MP for the Henley constituency in 2008. He announced earlier this year that he will be retiring and is not seeking re-election as Henley’s MP.

We asked each candidate to tell us why they should be your next MP:

David Carpin – Independent

David Carpin David Carpin (Image: David Carpin)

I wish to be a Member of Parliament because I have business experience and experience debating political issues. I will challenge and say No to political agendas that constituents are not asking for. Many people are now politically homeless and feel betrayed and failed by the Political Uni-party. Constituents have lost faith in the Self Serving, Careerist, Politicians who serve International, Globalist, Corporations and fail to represent their constituents. We need to bring an end to voting for the least dreadful Political Party, where the outcome is always the same. More Globalisation and further alienation from the constituent. The Independent Alliance offer an alternative. Out Manifesto can be found here: The Independent Alliance


Nanda Manley-Browne - Labour Party

Nanda Manley-BrowneNanda Manley-Browne (Image: Nanda Manley-Browne) As the Labour candidate for Henley and Thame, my mission is to bring positive, meaningful change to our community by advocating for policies that prioritise the well-being and prosperity of all residents. Serving as a council cabinet member, a senior NHS manager, a school governor, and a charity trustee, I am committed to improving our local NHS services, ensuring that everyone has access to quality healthcare when they need it most. Education is another cornerstone of my vision; I aim to enhance our schools and support teachers, so every child has the opportunity to succeed.

Environmental sustainability is also a critical focus. I will work tirelessly to address water and river pollution, promote green energy initiatives, and protect our natural resources for future generations. Affordable housing and addressing the cost of living are key priorities; I will strive to make housing more accessible and alleviate financial burdens on families.

Connectivity, both digital and physical, is vital for our community's growth. I will push for better broadband services and improved transport links to keep our constituency connected and thriving. Tackling antisocial behavior and ensuring safe, welcoming neighbourhoods is essential to creating a vibrant, cohesive community.

Together, we can build a brighter future for Henley and Thame, driven by unity, inclusivity and a shared commitment to progress. Join me in this journey for change and a fresh start with Labour.


Caroline Anne Newton - The Conservative Party Candidate

Caroline Anne NewtonCaroline Anne Newton (Image: Caroline Anne Newton)

I was born and brought up in the Henley & Thame constituency, and I live here still with my family. I'm standing as MP after over a decade of representing communities here as a district and county councillor, as a school governor, parish church warden and local charity chairman.

I’m passionate about supporting our communities, local businesses and countryside, and as your MP would be proud to be able to continue serving you. 

But in Henley & Thame we deserve more than just a good local candidate. We face unpredictable times, and that calls for leaders with extensive national and international experience, who will promote Britain’s democratic values and help keep us safe.

My career has focused on understanding and explaining our world, as a diplomat, a journalist, civil servant and in business.

It’s this combination of deeply-rooted local commitment, and wider strategic skills that, I believe, make me the strongest candidate as MP for Henley & Thame.  

 As your MP I’d seek to work closely with residents, local councils, public services, businesses and other organisations to get the best for Henley & Thame, and the UK and the people who call this home. If that’s what you want too, I’d love to work with you as your MP after 4 July."


 Maryse Pomlett - Social Democratic Party

 Maryse Pomlett Maryse Pomlett (Image:  Maryse Pomlett)

Are you political homeless? I was until I found the common sense and well thought out range of Social Democratic Party policies. Many of these policies would help people and families survive the current cost of living crisis and improve their quality of life.

I believe the constituency requires better quality housing which matches the needs of local communities. I support the SDP policies to build 100,000 social and council owned houses per year.

All residential let property will require a ‘Conditions Certificate’ (a housing ‘MOT’) issued by a new Housing Standards Inspectorate. Community Housing Groups will be established to provide affordable housing in rural areas ring-fenced for local working families.

The SDP will reverse decades of economic neglect to reinvigorate rural communities through investment in infrastructure, mobile and broadband connectivity, public transport and policing.

 Local housing needs to be based on what local residents need, for example starter homes, different options for older people to downsize, and family homes.

 I am shocked at the cost and lack of accountability of our key utilities. I strongly support the SDP policies to nationalise water, energy and the railways when public finances allow. Making the utilities accountable through the relevant government bodies.


Jo Robb - The Green Party

Jo Robb Jo Robb (Image: Jo Robb)

I live in Shepherds Green with my family, and I love this constituency and its people. I have worked as a lawyer and financial journalist and I am a trustee of a local housing charity which provides housing to the poorest people in our expensive local area. I have been a volunteer with the Shannon Trust and for the past five years have been a hard-working district councillor.

As a district councillor, I have pushed for action on dangerous speeding and secured better pay for council contractors. 

I am a swimmer, a member of the Henley Mermaids and as South Oxfordshire’s Thames Champion, and have led the fight against sewage dumping. I supported getting Bathing Water Status for stretches of the River Thames and worked to get Thames Water to provide real time sewage discharge alerts. 

The Green Party is the only party to stand up against the creeping privatisation of the NHS and for reversing the calamity of privatisation. We will bring our public services back into public ownership where they belong, and will manage them for the good of people and planet, not for shareholder profit. 

Our society is deeply unequal and the Green Party is the only party to propose a fairer tax system including a wealth tax on the super rich that would require those with the broadest shoulders to carry their fair share of the tax burden.

I will fight to protect our NHS, clean up our rivers and make sure everyone gets a fairer future under the new government.


ove working with councillors from other parties to get things done, whether that be on the Pension Fund Committee where we work together for the good of the pension fund and our members, on the Planning Committee or on the Police and Crime Panel. 


Peter Shields - Reform UK

Peter ShieldsPeter Shields (Image: Peter Shields)

I'm 53 years old, a father of four, and a husband of one. My first thirty years were spent in Manchester, three years in Cambridgeshire, ten years in Bradford, and now a decade in Oxfordshire. My early working years were spent as a statistical analyst for an insurance company before pursuing a vocation in youth and children's work in the voluntary sector. Currently, I work for Sainsbury's while establishing my own transport business.

I'm a Northerner by temperament, a Christian by conviction, and an activist by nature. This is why I can't simply stand by and watch the establishment decimate our great nation and squander our heritage. Reform offers the best opportunity to stop the rot.

Here's a postcard summary of my politics: I'm a freedom fighter, proud patriot, free market fundamentalist, social conservative, Christian chauvinist, political populist, climate realist, cultural traditionalist, and eternal optimist. In essence, I'm what used to be called a conservative.

Don't let the Conservatives con you any longer, or blackmail you with threats of Starmer, or beg you to forgive their infidelity with promises of "this time I really will be faithful". The odds might be against us, but if Reform can win anywhere, we can win in Henley & Thame. I'd appreciate your vote. And if you can spare any time or money to help campaign, that would be very welcome too.


Freddie Van Mierlo - Liberal Democrats

Freddie Van Mierlo Freddie Van Mierlo (Image: Freddie Van Mierlo)

Henley and Thame constituency has been badly let down by the Conservatives, who voted again and again to continue sewage dumping. We need change – that's why I’m standing to be Henley and Thame’s MP.  I want to restore your trust in politics and politicians who knuckle down and get things done for their residents.

I live and work in the constituency and am raising my young family here. I work as a consultant to companies and patient groups, bringing new medicines and gene therapies to patients in rare disease, neurology, and oncology. I come from an NHS family and am committed to improving the NHS is our area.

I have also had the privilege to represent Chalgrove and Watlington as County Councillor since 2021 and Watlington as a district councillor since 2023. What I enjoy most about being a councillor is helping ordinary residents to win on their issues. I want to do the same as your MP, building a team in the constituency that takes ownership of case work coming into us and stewarding it to a solution. I will restore the place of an MP as a focal point for action in the community.