Oxfordshire residents who are facing challenges in their everyday life will soon be able to access support through a new programme.

Local area coordinators will be based in communities and will be available to connect with residents, guiding them to resources that might make a difference to their lives.

Cheryl Huntbach is the first Oxfordshire local area coordinator to take up their post, and is covering Chipping Norton.

She said: "Oxfordshire has a wealth of amazing community and voluntary organisations, all having a huge positive impact on their members and people they support.

"But sometimes people struggle to know what's available to them and how to get involved. That's where local area coordinators come in.

"As we're embedded in communities, we can take the time to really get to know people, learning more about them and helping them to find groups and organisations that are right for them."

Chipping Norton residents can now meet Ms Huntbach for a face to face introduction by emailing cheryl.huntbach@oxfordshire.gov.uk or by calling 07789088173.

Local area coordinators are community-based workers who are equipped to meet anyone for any reason.

No referral is needed and there are no time limits or barriers to access the support.

They will work with individuals, families, carers, groups, and services to help people identify and achieve their visions of a better life.

They also will support groups and residents wishing to start their own activities, promoting community involvement.

Residents and organisations have been actively involved in the development of this approach and the recruitment of the local area coordinator themselves.

Karen Fuller, Oxfordshire County Council’s director of adult social care, said: "One of our key objectives is to support more people to live happy, independent lives within their own communities – it’s something we call The Oxfordshire Way.

Karen Fuller, Oxfordshire County Council’s director of adult social careKaren Fuller, Oxfordshire County Council’s director of adult social care (Image: Oxfordshire County Council)

"Local area coordinators can help us make this vision a reality.

"By walking side by side with people and listening to them to understand what might make a real difference, our local area coordinators can support residents to understand what’s available on their doorstep, tapping into the amazing resources in their area.

"By putting residents in the driving seat and giving them the power to find the best solutions to the difficulties they might be facing, we can help prevent more complex challenges from developing in the future."

Oxfordshire's programme is being implemented gradually, with another local area coordinator starting in east Bicester next month, and further plans for positions in Kidlington and Didcot later this year.

The project is funded by Oxfordshire County Council, with support from partners including the city and district councils.