With the General Election taking place in just a couple of days, we have compiled statements from Oxford East MP candidates who are all vying for your vote.

There are 12 people after the constituency seat and they come from parties ranging from Labour to the Independent Oxford Alliance.

Votes will be counted when polling stations close at 10pm on Election Day - July 4 - with results expected the following morning.

Each candidate has said below why they and their party should represent you in their own mission statement.

Candidates are listed in the same order as seen on the Oxford City Council website.

Amir Steve Ali - Independent

Amir Steve Ali.Amir Steve Ali. (Image: Contribution.)

"I am known as an Oxford Community Champion.

"I've done a lot for the local community from introducing the first ever Christmas tree on Cowley Road to doing Eid decorations on Cowley Road, plus more.

"Unity matters - my name itself is an example of unity 'AMIR STEVE ALI'.

"After seeing how LTNs affected many businesses and residents I went to 10 Downing Street four times raising the issue of LTNs and fear of traffic filters to the government with my own expenses.

"I've always been there for the public from day one not only during election time to get the votes and I've proven this.

"My question is where was everyone who's standing in this General Election over years for the public?

"I already have plans on how to tackle LTNs and traffic filters in a different effective approach if am elected.

"Things I've done in the past have been as a member of public so just imagine what I can do if am your MP.

"Do your research then compare me with other political parties, Independents and IOA and then you can decide who actually did what for you.

"I will also focus on local issues.

"Finally I am like everyone else out there who's struggling everyday.

"You're not alone. I am with you because I am one of you."

Louise Brown - Conservative

Louise Brown.Louise Brown. (Image: Contribution.)

"My dad had a vision and together with my mum he transformed his family’s life chances. I became a teacher to give young people choices.

"I want to be your MP to make sure that, you can have the choices that you want just like my parents.

"I have a reputation for getting things done and you deserve better: more genuinely affordable homes, practical solutions to rough sleeping that meet individual needs, a county council that is accountable for its mishandling of education particularly SEND provision, workable infrastructure that improves the environment rather than one that provides barriers to health and economic success in Oxford East."

Sushila Dhall - Green Party

Sushila Dhall.Sushila Dhall. (Image: Contribution.)

"I am standing as East Oxford's Green Party parliamentary candidate because I believe in policies to make people more equal and to protect our planet and local environment.

"I am a socialist at heart and believe the left is too splintered.

"If the unions and all the human rights and environmental campaign groups working for humanity and the environment supported the Green Party, we would return many MPs and be able to make the UK more sustainable and equal."

Anneliese Dodds - Labour

Anneliese Dodds.Anneliese Dodds. (Image: Newsquest.)

"It has been a privilege to represent my home of Oxford East in Parliament for the last seven years.

"I love living here. Oxford has an incredible industrial, academic and cultural heritage, and amazing people. 

"Oxford’s best days should lie ahead - but life for many local people has been getting harder over recent years.

"With a Labour MP in a Labour government we can unlock our potential, that has been stymied by the Conservatives.

"I have always put local people first. If you re-elect me as your MP, and if Labour is given the chance to serve, I will make sure that a Labour government can deliver meaningful change for Oxford East.

"We can start to address the housing crisis, with many more affordable homes being built.

"We can address our endless NHS waiting lists, and get more community police on our streets. We can cut  energy bills with GB Energy and get more teachers into our schools.

"And I can continue to push for the reopening of the Cowley Branch Line to passengers, for more local social and affordable homes, and for local peoples’ voices to be heard in Parliament. 

"But I can only do this with your support. For change to happen we need to vote for it."

Brandon Luke French - Workers Revolutionary Party 

Brandon Luke French.Brandon Luke French. (Image: Contribution.)

"I'm standing in this election because I am disgusted by the genocide being carried out Israel in Gaza, which is supported by the leaders of the Labour Party and the Tories.

"The trade unions must take action now to defend Palestine and end the support for Israel from the UK.

"Doctors, nurses and other healthcare staff need to be paid a decent wage to do the difficult jobs that they do to keep us safe and healthy.

"We need to build huge amounts of council housing to ensure that everyone in this country has a home.

"End all immigration control. People should be able to live wherever they want.

"We need need a general strike to defend all jobs and services and go forward to a workers government and a socialist society."

David Henwood - Independent Oxford Alliance

David Henwood.David Henwood. (Image: Ed Nix.)
"Unlike a party politician, who often prioritises aligning with their party platform and national agendas. Independents like myself are beholden only to the local community.

"We can only be elected if we truly represent the views of our constituents and champion the issues that matter most to them.

"In Oxford East, Labour, Lib Dems and the Greens have declared war on car owners, whether cleaners, engineers, or service providers. As an Independent MP, I would fight to remove the divisive LTN scheme and oppose the Workplace Parking Levy.

My priorities include:

·         Removal of the Labour/LibDem Green LTN scheme

·         Cancellation of the proposed bus gates, Parking Levy and ZEZ expansion

·         An immediate ceasefire and a viable Palestine State.

·         Legislation to protect women’s rights

·         A vibrant and accessible city where businesses can thrive, our key workers are supported, and green spaces and accessibility are protected.

·         Protect the NHS and increase the number of pharmacies and their responsibilities.

·         Oppose the Oxpens Bridge

"The current Labour and LibDem administration has failed to deliver on its promises, receiving an Inadequate OFSTED inspection for its handling of education and SEND support, leaving vulnerable children and families in the lurch.

"Meanwhile, the streets are choked by congestion and pollution, a direct consequence of the Labour, Lib Dem and Green LTN scheme that has strangled businesses, hampered access to vital services, and driven families to despair.

"I've listened to your concerns, I've heard your frustration, and I'm committed to making the changes you want to see.

"On July 4, cast your vote for a representative who will champion your needs."

Theodore Ernest Jupp - Liberal Democrats 

Theo Jupp.Theo Jupp. (Image: Contribution.)

"This election is our chance to turn Britain’s fortunes around.

"We have all reaped the consequences of over a decade of governmental failure.

"Living standards are falling at the fastest rate ever recorded; the NHS is in crisis; housing in Oxford is increasingly out of reach for all but the wealthiest; and water companies are dumping sewage into our rivers with impunity.

"Our Fair Deal manifesto — the Lib Dems’ most ambitious since the days of Charlie Kennedy — is a radical plan to fix these major problems.

"It has drawn praise from groups as diverse as housing charity Shelter and environmental group Friends of the Earth.

"It is a fully costed plan to introduce effective mental healthcare, support our carers, bring down energy bills, build homes for the future, protect renters’ rights, make our democracy truly representative and so much more.

"As a city councillor, I know the importance of being approachable by email, over the phone or in person.

"I pride myself on being in constant contact with constituents and I will adopt the same attitude if elected to be Oxford East’s MP."

Katherine Mary Longthorp - Party of Women

Katherine Longthorp.Katherine Longthorp. (Image: Contribution.)

"My name is Katherine Longthorp. I am a 30 year old disabled woman who's originally from Oxford East, works here, and has family in the constituency.

"I am standing for the Party of Women because I’m passionate about women’s rights, which are being fundamentally undermined. Vulnerable women like myself are feeling, with a great deal of anxiety, that our rights no longer matter.

"The rights of disabled women have been compromised when it comes to access to single-sex spaces, same-sex care, and single-sex sports categories. And when we try to highlight this, we are often insulted and abused.

"As a disabled woman, I always want people to be treated with dignity and respect and will support people dressing and living how they like so long as it does not detract from the rights of others.

"The reality is humans cannot change sex, and sex is far more important than how people choose to identify which is very relevant to women's rights and their safety.

"The Party of Women stands for women's rights."

Jabu Nala-Hartley - Independent 

Jabu Nala-Hartley.Jabu Nala-Hartley. (Image: Contribution.)

"I support a Pay Rise For the Many. For far too long working people are surviving on low wages thus becoming  impoverished, through years and years of austerity.

"One in 16 of us is destitute.

"Locally child poverty rates are at 40 per cent in estates such as Barton, Blackbird leys, Rose Hill and Woodfarm.

"It is about time all ordinary people got decent wages.  

"I am very proud to have stood with striking workers on the picket line.

"If I am elected I am prepared to take a living wage pay cut on my MP salary.

"I stand for equality, rights of regardless of gender or sexuality.

"We have to face the existential threat to our existence posed by climate change.

"We will need to help and support ordinary people in making a green economy and rich should pay.

"In the same way we will need to transform our economy through a Green New deal. Homelessness rates have gone through the roof. We used to be able to build 150 - 200,000 council houses a year.

"We will need to do so again if we are to provide housing for all. I support the call to properly tax the rich to save the NHS.

"Finally I stand for a free Palestine. This is a struggle for the very soul of humanity and we have  urgently stop the slaughter. This is just the beginning."

Andrew Smith - Rejoin EU

Andrew Smith.Andrew Smith. (Image: Contribution.)

"If you think that Brexit was a mistake then please vote for me. 

"I know that I am unlikely to be elected in this safe Labour seat, but I’m standing alongside 25 other Rejoin EU candidates because we want the next Government to know that they can’t continue to pretend Brexit didn’t happen. 

"The benefits of being part of the EU are myriad, but just consider the economy. Brexit has destroyed five per cent of the economy as well as making the UK weaker and less influential. 

"Rejoining will create growth. 

"Simply replacing the 5 per cent of the economy that we have lost would increase tax revenue by £40bn, enough to give the NHS £350m a week AND reduce income tax by 2p, with money to spare. 

"The other parties are scrabbling around looking for ways to improve public services whilst deliberately ignoring the easiest way to improve everyone’s life. 

"Thinking specifically about Oxford, there is a particular benefit for the city through rejoining the Erasmus Scheme. 

"That’s the EUs education policy that allows students to study across the continent of Europe. 

"Also the higher environmental standards that would help us clean up the river Thames and prevent dumping of sewage."

The other two candidates standing for Oxford East are:

Zaid Marham - Workers Party

Benjamin Adams - Social Democratic Party

We made attempts to contact them but did not receive a response.

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About the author

Noor is the Local Democracy Reporter for Oxfordshire who covers political stories from across the county. 

She began working as a journalist in Oxford in September 2023 having graduated from the University of Oxford.

Noor was trained at the News Associates journalism school and can be found on X through the handle @NoorJQurashi