Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey has visited Oxfordshire this weekend.

The politician was in the village of Thrupp close to Woodstock on Sunday as part of his trail for the general election.

Accompanied by Lib Dem candidate for Bicester and Woodstock seat, Calum Miller, with the party leader showing his support for his Oxfordshire colleague.

The pair took to the water on the Oxford Canal to highlight how unrestricted sewage dumping into rivers and waterways puts human health and local nature at risk.

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Sir Ed Davey with Lib Dem candidate Calum Miller.Sir Ed Davey with Lib Dem candidate Calum Miller. (Image: Newsquest)

Calum Miller said: “The water companies have been allowed by the Conservatives to pour sewage into our rivers and waterways. That needs to stop.

“Only the Lib Dems have a robust plan to clean up our rivers and coastline and stop the sewage.

 “In our area, Thames Water has been pumping sewage into our waterways on average one fifth of the time in 2024.

“The worst place for sewage dumping is Combe, where Thames have pumped sewage into the Evenlode for over 1600 hours so far this year: nearly two fifths of the years so far.

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“It’s no wonder our rivers and streams routinely test positive for dangerous bacteria like e.coli or that animals, fish and plants are struggling to survive. This has to stop.”

Ed Davey previously visited the area earlier this month when he tried his hand at woodwork and repairing at Bicester Green.