An academic and author is planning the third in a series of novels about a time-travelling psychotherapist and his Shakespearian exploits.

Professor Michael Kerr Scott, based in Oxford, is a leading authority on Elizabethan drama and founding vice chancellor of Wrexham University.

He has received praise for his first two books, Hamlet and the Psychotherapist, and The Scottish King: Macbeth and the Psychotherapist.

Michael ScottMichael Scott (Image: Radar PR)

These stories follow the adventures of 21st-century psychotherapist, Jacob Fortune, who is not a fan of Shakespeare and is cynical about his existence.

The author takes readers back in time as Jacob attempts to change the narrative of Shakespeare’s most famous play, Hamlet.

He said: "Using my knowledge of the subject, and driven by the central character, it also acts as an introduction to several of Shakespeare’s other plays and brings a contemporary twist to his work.

“After many years of writing and editing academic books, it was a departure for me, exploring the world of fiction, but I love the freedom it gives me to make Shakespeare fun and accessible to a wider audience.

Michael ScottMichael Scott (Image: Radar PR)

"It’s light-hearted and there are surprises throughout, with some serious messages in there as well - I’m thrilled with how well it’s been received by readers."

Currently, Mr Scott is working on the third and final instalment of the series.

He added: "It is entitled Shakespeare, Sex and the Psychotherapist - given his colourful love life.

"There are many strands to that and as previously I’ll blend humour with historical events, with Jacob taking the lead role.

"Hopefully, people will like this one just as much, we shall wait and see."

Michael ScottMichael Scott (Image: Radar PR)

Previously a pro vice-chancellor at De Montfort University in Leicester, Mr Scott currently serves as a fellow and senior dean at Blackfriars Hall, Oxford, and director of the Future of the Humanities Project with Georgetown University, Washington.

Delivering lectures nationwide and at theatres and drama studios for students, he is also attracting audiences globally via a series of YouTube videos for Georgetown University’s Global Georgetown platform

He is director of Oxford Scott Education, holds the Order of Merit from Bauman Moscow State Technical University, and was chair of UNESCO Wales, among many other roles.

His other publications include Arthur: Legends of the King, Shakespeare: A Complete Introduction and Shakespeare’s Tragedies: All That Matters.

He added: "I have many ideas for future books, academic and fiction, and I’m sure there will be more adventures for Jacob Fortune – watch this space.

“I don’t believe in slowing down, or standing still, because there is so much to do."