Oxford has been ranked as the sixth best UK city for university students by a new study.

Now Students, a student accommodation provider, analysed cities with a university campus, ranking them based on the cost of beer and taxi fares, safety, the price of groceries, and their academic ranking, resulting in an overall index score.

Oxford has the second-best academic institution in the country and a respectable safety score, but was let down by its relatively high food, taxi, and beer costs.

Bath led the pack ranking first with a top 10 university, one of the highest safety index scores, and comparatively low prices for taxis and drinks.

Cambridge, despite topping the academic league table, had to settle for second due to higher grocery, beer and taxi costs.

Meanwhile, Warwick, Chester and Durham came in third, fourth and fifth respectively.

A spokesperson for Now Students said: "This research has certainly provided some interesting findings, particularly seeing how the average prices for groceries, beers, and taxis vary quite significantly across UK cities.

“Likewise with safety scores, varying from just under 25 in Chichester to near 80 in Durham.

"We hope this study provides those going into higher education this September with some insights about the cities where their perspective universities are located and potentially help with any decision they may have to make about which to choose."