Oxfordshire politicians  have spoken out with messages to voters on a “really crucial day” for the county.

People all over the UK will be going to polling stations today to decide who they would like to represent them in parliament and who they want as their next prime minister.

Councillors from the Conservative, Labour, Lib Dem and Green parties have all shared their thoughts on the day of the General Election.

Ballot box.Ballot box. (Image: Oxford Mail)

READ MORE: General Election 2024: Oxford East candidate statements

Oxfordshire Conservative county councillor Liam Walker, who represents the Hanborough and Minster Lovell division, said: “Today is a really crucial day not just for our country but also for Oxfordshire.

“Our Conservative teams have been very busy over this campaign speaking with residents about the choice at this election.

Liam Walker.Liam Walker. (Image: West Oxfordshire District Council.)

“A Labour government with a supermajority would cripple our economy and hike up our taxes.

"We’ve seen how badly the Lib Dem’s are at running our local councils, so we cannot allow them to win more seats in Oxfordshire. Please make sure you get out today and vote!”

Labour Oxford city and county councillor Susanna Presell is also encouraging people to vote.

Ms Pressel said: “The big day has arrived at last! Please make sure you do go out and vote. We are so lucky to live in a democracy, where each one of us can make our voice heard by taking the trouble to go along to our local polling station and voting.

“I have done this many, many times in my life, but I still feel excited by it. It is also a solemn moment – it feels important.

Susanna Pressel.Susanna Pressel. (Image: Oxford City Council.)

“The polls are open until 10pm, but don’t leave it to the last minute – and don’t forget to take some photo ID. There are details of that (and other things) here: How to vote: Photo ID you'll need - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

“I hope there will be a massive turn-out today.

"Our country is in such a dreadful state: everywhere you look there are problems – our NHS is on its knees, there’s sewage in all our rivers and streams, and children are going to bed hungry.

“We need a new team in charge, to repair the damage caused during the last 14 years.”

St Mary’s ward Green councillor Emily Kerr said: “I wish all the candidates and campaigners the very best today.

"Our democracy relies upon people putting themselves forward and it’s not always easy. Please remember to vote, every vote matters.”

Emily Kerr on election day.Emily Kerr on election day. (Image: Contribution.)

Liberal Democrat Oxford councillor Theo Jupp said: “As our entire country goes to the polls, I want to pay tribute to the unsung heroes of our democratic system: the poll clerks, the presiding officers, the polling station inspectors, the count assistants and many more.

“We are fortunate to live in a country where they fulfil their duties with the utmost professionalism and impartiality.

"I’m proud to have had the opportunity to lead the campaign for a Lib Dem Fair Deal in Oxford East.

Theo Jupp.Theo Jupp. (Image: Contribution.)

"Over the course of this electoral period, it has only become clearer that today is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for people to vote for a party whose ideals they truly believe in. So whoever you vote for today, vote with your heart — you won’t regret it.”