In the early hours of this morning Oxford Action for Palestine (OA4P) disbanded its Gaza Solidarity encampment at the Radcliffe Camera following threats of legal action from Oxford University. 

Today's departure marked 64 days of continuous encampment protest, with the protestors' first encampment established in front of the Pitt Rivers Museum on May 6. 

The group had been calling for the university to cut its financial ties with Israel. 

The group say this move came following an open letter from the University Administration's last week which threatened OA4P with a court order to vacate if protestors did not leave by July 7. 

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In a statement about the departure, a spokesperson for OA4P said: "In the interest of our members and of the movement for Palestine, we have decided to redirect our momentum towards other forms of action, organising, political education, and the continued growth of our coalition."

The groups says that shortly after protestors vacated the encampment, as a sign of continued commitment to protest, approximately 25 OA4P members immediately picketed the Wellington Square Administrative Offices from 6.30am to 9am, "successfully disrupting entry for the workday".

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The protesters brought banners and taped mock "legal filing" papers across the doors and entrance of the building.

According to the group, at 6.45am university contractors fenced in the Radcliffe Camera area and cleared all remaining remnants of the encampment, including uprooting the olive tree on site and removing the 'apartheid wall' signed with comments for peace. 

In its statement, OA4P announced intentions to continue organising protests, community events, and movement-building efforts in the coming weeks.

(Image: Oxford Action 4 Palestine)

Last month Oxford University blocked access to a Pro-Palestine encampment to protect its property and for 'public safety'.

The university erected metal fences around the encampment and a sign was put up which read: “This site is temporarily closed on public safety grounds and to prevent further damage to university property. Unauthorised access is prohibited.”

A second sign explained that property inside the camp would be held in storage until July 22 2024 and then disposed of. 

In a statement Oxford University said: “The lawn outside the Museum of Natural History is an important space for our many visitors to enjoy and relax in.

"We have temporarily fenced off the area in preparation for returning it to public use, to avoid further damage to the lawn and to remove any hazards to the public that may have been left.

"We are also looking to prevent damage to the lawn’s irrigation system and associated warranties, the protective membrane for the lawn and the museum collections beneath.

"This land is for everyone at the university and our visitors, and we are taking these steps in the interest of public safety and preserving our own property and collections.”