Year six primary school students in Bicester have achieved the best results the school has ever received. 

Glory Farm Primary School said it is "extremely proud of all their year six children" as they received their year six test results last week.

Headteacher Mrs Jane MacLachlan said: "These are the best results Glory Farm Primary School has ever received and we are thrilled with all of the scores.

"The children worked so hard during the week, and also throughout their whole time at Glory Farm Primary School."  

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Year six test results are used to measure the school and each child's achievements in maths, spelling, punctuation and grammar, and reading. 

The tests have become more challenging over the last few years as the National Curriculum's expectations have been raised by the Department of Education and they run over four days. 

However, children at Glory Farm Primary School were "well prepared" and the school said the teachers across the school were fully aware of the end of year six expectations in order to support ongoing progress in these subjects.   

The school said that preparing for the key stage two tests is a significant milestone in a child's educational journey and parents are "crucial" in supporting and encouraging their child through this process. 

Glory Fam held parent workshops, information evenings and informative, personal parents' evenings to help parents feel able in supporting their child.

The school invited year six children in for breakfast before school to help pupils prepare and feel ready for each day

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The school said that the partnership between home and school is "vital in ensuring that every child is successful".

Mrs MacLachlan added: "During the test week in May, all of our children worked so hard to ensure they were able to demonstrate their understanding of a variety of concepts." 

One parent said: "My child had no concerns either before the Year 6 test week, or during it. 

"They were well prepared and actually enjoyed them."

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Mrs MacLachlan said: "The vision for Glory Farm Primary School is 'learning together to ensure every child is the best they can be'.

"Our children have lived and breathed this vision with us and the results are testament to their hard work, engagement in learning and desire to be the best they can. 

"They are a credit to our school and their parents and are more than ready for the challenges of Year 7. 

"We wish them well."

The percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard nationally in English reading was 74 per cent, with Glory Farm achieving higher at 82 per cent. 

English grammar, punctuation and spelling nationally was 72 per cent, with Glory Farm students achieving 89 per cent.

Mathematics nationally was 73 per cent, with Glory Farm achieving 89 per cent.