An Oxford hotel's dining space has a new look that nods to a famous Moroccan garden.

The walled terrace at Parsonage Grill, part of the prestigious Old Parsonage Hotel, has been transformed after a six-week refurbishment and £80,000 investment.

The design inspiration came from the iconic Jardin Majorelle in Marrakech, once owned by fashion giants Yves Saint Laurent.

After shedding its old look of boxed planters and dark colours, the terrace now brims with vibrant colours and large foliage.

Jeremy Mogford, founder and managing director of The Oxford Collection, said: "Yves Saint Laurent's visionary use of colour and his love for Moroccan design were a huge inspiration.

"I want the Parsonage terrace to feel like an oasis in the centre of the city, just like our other beautiful terraces at Quod and Gees."

Additions of brightly painted terracotta pots and teak furniture have greatly enhanced the feel of this city haven. Plants include banana plants, hostas, cordylines and fatsias.

The terrace is open from 7am until 11pm every day, continuing its tradition of being a significant Oxford landmark over the past 35 years. There are breakfasts, lunches, afternoon tea, drinks and dinner on offer.

In honour of its new look, a special cocktail named 'IT'S ALL ABOUT YVES' is on offer.