An Oxford StreetCar club is set to run an event at a Bicester festival celebrating the grassroots motor sport.

Oxford Motor Club will be running the AutoSOLO taster event at Motorsport UK's inaugural StreetCar Festival, which will take place on September 8 at its Bicester Motion home.

It will provide a typical test layout to introduce newcomers to AutoSOLO and give them the chance to experience the discipline.

They will manoeuvrer their own vehicle around a series of slaloms and longer turns.

Founded in 1903, Oxford Motor Club has a long heritage in motorsport at various levels.

StreetCar, launched in 2022, encourages people to try grassroots motorsport at a minimal cost, using their standard unmodified road car and a free RS Clubman licence available online.

Several of the 12 StreetCar disciplines, including a dedicated AutoSOLO course, will be showcased during the festival.

Oxford Motor Club membership secretary, Shirley Blackwell, said: "With most AutoSOLOs taking place on private land where spectators are not permitted there is little opportunity for people to experience competitions and the skills of the drivers in real time.

"We hope through experiencing the friendliness of the clubs and competitors, the skill and dedication of the drivers and the excitement of the competition will encourage more attendees of the StreetCar Festival to try out grassroots motorsport for themselves."