For the first time in more than a decade, a composer has been elected the new visiting fellow in music at Oriel College.

Cheryl Frances-Hoad succeeds keyboard player Tamar Halperin and countertenor Andreas Scholl, who have held the role jointly at the University of Oxford college since 2020.

She said she was "exceptionally honoured", adding: "The list of great artists who have preceded me is awe-inspiring, and I can’t quite believe my name will be added to this list.

Cheryl Frances-HoadCheryl Frances-Hoad (Image: Oriel College)

“I am looking forward to all the inspiring ideas that I know will be conjured by the college and its community, and hope that I will be able to give a little back through the sharing of thoughts, experiences and of course, some new music."

Her role will see her hold masterclasses with students, and compose an anthem for the chapel choir to celebrate the 40th anniversary of women being admitted to the college next year.

Oriel College’s director of music, Dr David Maw, said: "Cheryl Frances-Hoad is a leading light in the Western classical music tradition.

Cheryl Frances-HoadCheryl Frances-Hoad (Image: Oriel College)

"It is immensely exciting to have the opportunity to work with her at Oriel next year.

“Her compositions draw on a wide range of influences, and I shall be intrigued to see how these come to bear on her work with us.

“I’m sure she’ll make a striking contribution to the musical life of the college.”