Plans to help facilitate the progress of 115 new homes being built near an Oxfordshire town have been approved unanimously.

Vale of White District councillors discussed a reserved matters application on Thursday evening (July 25) to build on land at Crab Hill north of the A417 and east of the A338 on the edge of Wantage.

Outline planning application has already been granted for 669 homes at the Crab Hill site but details around design for different phases of the development are in the process of being approved.

Ariel view of the planned development site from 2022.+3Ariel view of the planned development site from 2022.+3 (Image: Optimised Environments)

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The plans are part of the 1,500 home Kingsgrove development which was approved in 2015.

A motion to give the plan the green light was put forward by Liberal Democrat councillor Mike Pighills.

Mr Pighills said: "I think in the absence of any technical objections or any material planning concerns I propose that we accept this application."

The application was seconded by Liberal Democrat Emily Smith and approved unanimously.

Illustration of proposal.Illustration of proposal. (Image: Vale of White Horse District Council.)

Wantage Town Council had objected to the development due to concerns around some houses "dominating the existing properties" and a potential loss of visitor parking.

This comes as the council had previously raised concerns about the project as a whole saying "the increase of units will impact on local amenities, infrastructure, green spaces and car parking that is required to provide a quality development.”

A majority of buildings under the proposal would be two-storeys high though the plans also include three-storey flats.

North entrances to the development would present a "contemporary approach, in line with the character of the area", the applicant St Modwen Homes has said.

How the dwellings could look.How the dwellings could look. (Image: Vale of White Horse District Council.)

The developer also stated areas of the site would be drawn together "with a shared palette of materials including two types of buff brick and one type of red brick".