A multi-million pound investment in Witney's electricity infrastructure is set to support the town to adopt low-carbon technologies.

The Witney Green Recovery project will see Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) Distribution invest £5 million.

The project is aimed at supporting the transition to low-carbon technologies for nearby homes and businesses.

SSEN’s upgrade to the existing network in Witney will provide a "more efficient, robust and flexible network" for nearly 30,000 homes and businesses in the immediate area through an additional capacity of 14.2MW, it said.

This will enable an increased uptake of low-carbon technologies, such as electric vehicles, hear pumps and solar panels.

The works will include the replacement of two existing transformers and the switchboard within the Witney substation compound.

The substation building itself will also be refurbished to accommodate the newly installed equipment.

The Witney programme of works is scheduled to be completed in early 2026.

It is a result of a collaboration with the energy regulator, Ofgem, and other electricity network operators.

Their goal was to explore how early investment in distribution networks could promote green economic growth, create skilled jobs and support low-carbon projects.

Galina Katrandzhieva, SSEN’s project manager for the Witney upgrade, said: "At SSEN, we are committed to investing in the future of our communities by enhancing our electricity infrastructure to support the transition to low-carbon technologies.

Galina Katrandzhieva, SSEN’s project manager for the Witney upgradeGalina Katrandzhieva, SSEN’s project manager for the Witney upgrade (Image: SSEN)

"The Witney project is a crucial part of our Green Recovery Programme, and we are excited to see the positive impact it will have on the local economy and environment.

“The entire project is taking place on an existing SSEN site, so there will be no roads closures or Planned Service Interruptions and therefore will cause no disruption to customers living or working in the area.

“You may see some of our vehicles coming to and from the site - these are the teams who are working to improve your power supplies and build the capacity into your network that will enable you to take up more low-carbon technologies and help you meet you Net Zero ambitions.”

The Witney project is part of a larger Green Recovery investment of £41 million by SSEN. This venture plans to deliver additional network capacity of more than 122MW.

This will enable SSEN to upgrade its north and south networks to accommodate the rising demand for electric vehicle charging and electrification of heat.

SSEN said by investing in "advanced and efficient" technologies, it is "ensuring that the network is ready to meet the future energy needs of its customers and communities".