A woman who went from a size 16 to a size 10 in six months is setting up a new weight loss group in Bicester.

Liz Parish, a Slimming World Diamond Target Member, has set out to support Bicester residents to "get healthy" after she lost two stone and three pounds in six months.

Ms Parish joined a slimming World group in Bicester 12 years ago.

Her start weight was 11st 3lb and reached her dream target weight of 9st in 6 months.

She has just completed her Training at Slimming World Head Office in Derbyshire to become a consultant and her group launches on Wednesday, September 25 at the Salvation Army on Hart Place in Bicester. 

She said: "I was always a size 8/10 and over the years I had slowly put on weight and hadn't really noticed.

"I was choosing my new uniform for work and had gone up a size to a 16 and this made me realise this is not where I wanted to be, I didn't feel comfortable and was not at all active even though I had a young child.

"My friend and colleague was a Slimming World member and suggested I came along with her."

Ms Parish said she was "very nervous" about joining a slimming group

"From the moment I walked through the doors I was met by a caring like minded community making me feel at easy straight away" she added.

"It was all very new to me as I hadn't ever really looked at my eating habits.

"I love that I can have a really large plate of food and feel full and satisfied, especially making my friends jealous of what I am eating.

Ms Parish had some health issues a few years ago and stepped away from her Slimming World group for a while, however that time she found her old eating habits had crept back in which resulted in her putting the weight back on.

She said: "I felt anxious to return back to my Slimming World group but once again I was welcomed back with open arms and decided to reset my target.

"I have now reached my target weight again and kept the weight off for over a year becoming a diamond target member, which I am very proud of.

"I was also voted my groups diamond target member of the year."

She added: ‘I can’t wait to support the local community of Bicester to change mindsets and lifestyles for lasting weight loss success."