A dog show held to raise awareness about organ donation has raised over £1,000 for Great Ormond Street Hospital.

The show was organised by Caroline Sofroniou from Bicester, who has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) alongside Danon Disease, an extremely rare heart condition that has been passed down throughout her family.

Nearly all of her family members that were diagnosed have passed away, but due to organ donation Ms Sofroniou and her 10-year-old son, Jayden-Sean, are the only survivors.  

The mum and son duo are now on a mission to raise awareness about organ donation and to raise money for a mechanical heart for children at Great Ormond Street Hospital, which is why Ms Sofroniou organised the dog show.

Jayden-Sean, 10, underwent a heart transplant at Great Ormond Street Hospital last December (Image: Contributed)

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The show was held in at Spider Park on Keble Road in Bicester on Sunday (September 8).

Ms Sofroniou said it was a "great success", adding: "It went really well, there were around 50 to 60 dogs. A very good turnout."

The show featured 11 awards in total, including 'best dog' and 'best crossbreed'. 

In total the event raised £1,030. 

"Jayden loved it, he was with lots of dogs and some of his friends," Ms Sofroniou said. 

Caroline and Jayden-Sean (Image: Contributed)

"It's not just about raising the money, it's about raising awareness for organ donation too.

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"I'd like to thank everyone for the support and the companies that donated items to the raffle and tombola," Ms Sofroniou added.

The next event will be a raffle evening at the Nightingale pub in Bicester on Friday, October 25.

Anyone who would like to donate to the raffle or tombola should get in touch with Ms Sofroniou by emailing her at Caroline.sofroniou1685@outlook.com