Empty buildings in Oxford city centre are to be turned into arts exhibition spaces.

The buildings on Park End Street near the Oxford railway station, have been made available to Fusion Arts by Nuffield College, pending redevelopment in line with Oxford City Council’s Local Plan.

The council has plans to revamp the city's West End including Nuffield College's proposals to redevelop the ‘island’ of buildings between Park End Street, Hythe Bridge Street and Worcester Street.

The East Oxford charity, which delivers inclusive and accessible arts programmes for communities, said they will become "vibrant hubs for workshops, events, exhibitions, grassroots music, and studio space for local artists" over the next few years.

Entrance to the building on Park End Street in Oxford (Image: Fusion Arts) Fianna O’Shea, of Fusion Arts, said: "Fusion Arts has always prioritised people and groups who might otherwise feel excluded from the arts.

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"With these new buildings, we are excited to create a literal ‘place’ in the arts for those who may have felt they had none.

"This marks a pivotal moment in our journey towards creating spaces and moments that bring artists and communities together, nurturing creative and personal development."

An exhibition-come-art fair DEPOT 24 will take place from Thursday September 26 to Saturday September 28.

It will showcase solo exhibitions by internationally renowned artists Jermaine Francis, Valerie Amani, and Sunil Shah.

The event, run by artist-led commercial galleries, individual artists, specialist art fair platform ARTSVP, and Fusion Arts. aims to give serious collectors and art lovers access to world-class contemporary art outside London.

Max Mallows, ARTSVP, and one of DEPOT's founding members said: "It's time to try something a little different.

"With DEPOT we aim to provide a blueprint on how to foster collaboration and partnerships to bring exciting art events to a wider audience."