Police in Banbury are clamping down on the use of e-scooters in the town after a 23-year-old hurled abuse at an officer. 

It was reported that the man rode up the High Street while making an offensive gesture at the officer.

In a statement, Thames Valley Police Cherwell, it said: “Whilst we appreciate the use of E-scooters divides public opinion, the vast majority of complaints we receive relate to the illegal and anti-social riding of them in public. 

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“Some areas have schemes in place that allow the riding of E-scooters when hired, however in Banbury there is no such scheme and so any such riding is illegal and is a priority for the Neighbourhood Team." 

The post added: “Sadly the 23-year-old male who thought he could shout abuse at one of our officers and ride off up the High Street giving him 'the bird' found out the hard way that we will take action. 

“One more E-Scooter seized and the rider reported for driving without a licence and no insurance.”