Gamers in Oxfordshire are invited to explore an immersive online experience from the RSPCA.

The interactive experience, named 'Animal Futures', imagines what life might be like for animals in 2050.

It presents five possible futures for animal welfare in Oxfordshire, considering the impact of advancements like robot pets, lab-grown meat, and AI communication with animals.

The experience is part of the charity's new Animal Futures Project, based on research commissioned by the RSPCA.

RSPCA CEO Chris Sherwood said: "We need to rethink our relationship with animals - whether that be in Oxfordshire, across the country, or the wider world."

He warned that some of the futures could be "chilling" unless action is taken now.

However, he noted that Oxfordshire residents have the power to make a difference.

The game allows players to choose an animal companion and answer questions about their habits to determine how they could help create a better world for all species.

Mr Sherwood added: "We want to invite everyone across Oxfordshire to explore Animal Futures and find out how the choices they make today could build a better world for animals - and us - tomorrow."

The online experience is the first step in the project, with users invited to participate in a national consultation about attitudes to animal welfare later this year.

Visit the RSPCA website to explore Animal Futures.