People struggling to balance a busy career with their personal life are invited to join a workshop focused on avoiding burnout.

Linda Moseley, the founder of Brighter Changes Personal Development, will host the interactive morning event on October 10.

Titled ‘How To Thrive Under Pressure Without Burning Out,’ it will take place in Wantage from 9.30am to midday at Boston House.

It is aimed at helping individuals create a personal strategy and action plan for their success.

Ms Moseley, who has more than 20 years of experience as a transformation coach and is based in Uffington, near Faringdon, said: "During my career before coaching, I'd quit several good jobs with excellent career prospects because I wasn't able to handle the pressure at work.

"I suffered from imposter syndrome - not believing in my own self-worth and capabilities and also found it hard to say 'no' to people."

She added: "In my personal life, I was going through a marriage breakdown and trying to balance a busy working life with a stressful personal life.

"That was when I decided to take time out and commit to coaching training to fully understand what was happening.

"Now I know how to spot the signs of burnout and am able to put strategies in place to combat it, and I want to share this with others individually or in business who want to feel valued again, motivated, confident, and capable."

The workshop will last for two and a half hours, time Ms Moseley said will be "well spent".

She continued: "Please don't think you're too busy to come along.

"This workshop is not a counselling session - it is action-driven for you to create a personal strategy and action plan for your own success without procrastination."

Ms Moseley is "passionate" about helping others, having experienced burnout herself.

She said: "I can't wait to give others the benefit of my lived-in experience so they can fly in their jobs and relationships.

"I want them to experience that transformation from feeling stuck in work overload to being the very best version of themselves."

Following her personal turnaround after burnout, Ms Moseley is proud of having been able to study and complete a master's degree in coaching, while in the middle of a divorce and also supporting her mother in the advanced stages of dementia.

Tickets, which include refreshments, parking, and an optional ‘Personal Strategy Conversation’ with Ms Moseley, are available at £25 from Eventbrite.

There are only 20 places available, so people are encouraged to book early to secure a place.