A political row has broken out over proposals that would see householders in "the poorest communities" of Oxford paying £80 a year to park outside their own homes.

Oxfordshire County Council is proposing to introduce residential parking permits in Iffley, Rose Hill and 'Littlemore North' - stretching over parts of Rose Hill and Iffley, Littlemore and Cowley.

For all three new CPZs if approved, residents’ permits would be set at £80 for two permits per household a year.

The county council said the proposals "aim to alleviate the problems associated with non-resident parking and overflow parking from adjacent CPZs".

A decision on a new CPZ for Iffley is due on November 14, a separate consultation for a new CPZ in Rose Hill is currently out to consultation and a new consultation for a CPZ in Littlemore North is due to start this week.

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Rose Hill councillors Ed Turner and Trish Elphinstone have both urged the county council to think again after they found 91 per cent of 175 respondents to their survey were against the scheme.

Cllrs Trish Elphinstone and Ed Turner with Anneliese Dodds are against the consultation and proposed Rose Hill CPZ (Image: Contributed) The Oxford Independent Alliance (OIA) also ran a survey which found 87.4 per cent of the 111 respondents were against the scheme in Rose Hill and 91 per cent against it in Littlemore.

OIA group leader David Henwood said: "These are some of the toughest parking conditions in Oxford, on the poorest residents that have to travel furthest."

A CPZ might be appropriate in Iffley Village because it faces congestion caused by commuters leaving their cars at Iffley Turn, blocking access to the village, he said.

"But the proposed scheme seems to be sledgehammer to crack a nut."

Mr Henwood also blamed Labour councillors for instigating the deeply unpopular proposals in the first place and then "rather oddly now apparently fighting against" them.

He said: "Trish Elphinstone and Ed Turner have written to highways officers asking them not to go ahead with the consultation for both Rose Hill and North Littlemore given the strength of opposition.

"However, in February of this year Labour councillors on the county council, including Trish Elphinstone, voted in favour of a Labour budget amendment to introduce four new CPZs into Oxford."

He said Ms Elphinstone has written to residents saying ‘I know nothing and we were taken by surprise’ letters "which therefore seem somewhat disingenuous".

Cllr David Henwood blames Labour for instigating the deeply unpopular proposals in the first place (Image: Ed Nix) He said: "Labour are complicit in both the instigation and funding of it! Why would they do this to some of the poorest communities in Oxford?"

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Oxford City Council's deputy leader Mr Turner said: "David is confused. Trish did not vote for this. 

"Trish did for a budget amendment to fund up to four CPZs anywhere in Oxfordshire that wanted them.  Some areas do want them, including Iffley. Rose Hill does not.

"Obviously I'm not a member of the county council and have voted for no such scheme, but as it happens neither has Trish."

Asked if the county council would really withdraw the schemes if the public consultations show strong local opposition, a spokesperson said consultations "follow strict statutory processes and it would be undemocratic to pre-empt the decision or outcome of any proposals".

He added: "However, we can advise that there are a number of factors which are considered and public feedback will be reviewed, alongside how schemes help to achieve council policies and wider transport objectives."