Oxford City Council has confirmed properties have been flooded following yesterday's heavy rainfall as nine flood warnings remain in place across the county.

ODS and city council staff have been out and about checking on vulnerable residents and offering assistance to those who have been flooded, the council said in a statement.

READ MORE: Live updates - Diversions and road closures on second day of flooding

Currently no towpaths or riverside walkways have been closed, but the council said it is monitoring the situation and should any become flooded it will post updates on social media.

People in Oxford have been urged to take all possible steps to protect their property by visiting the Oxfordshire Flood Toolkit webpage at www.oxfordshirefloodtoolkit.com.

If you are currently suffering from internal property flooding you should call Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue on 999.

Yesterday's heavy rain has subsided, but flood warnings remain in force across the county and it is likely rain will return tomorrow.