Comedian Omid Djalili is set to bring his new show to Banbury next month as part of his world tour.

The show, Namaste, is set to be performed at the Mill Arts Centre on October 15 and 16.

After beginning his world tour in Canada on May 23, he has performed in New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, and the USA, and will be arriving in the UK in October.

Omid DjaliliOmid Djalili (Image: Gaby Jerrard PR) Omid DjaliliOmid Djalili (Image: Gaby Jerrard PR) Namaste is typically a word associated with peace and tranquillity, but the word - which comes from Sanskrit - literally means "bowing to you".

As he watches a "world on fire", as climate change, terrorism, financial instability, oceanic pollution, and depletion of natural resources "tear ever more at the fabric of our lives", Mr Djalili has "decided he'll eschew tranquillity, and bow instead to his inner anger".

The show sees him "peacefully and joyfully control that rage and unleash a torrent of comedic vitriol upon the current state of this dangerously messed up planet".

Omid DjaliliOmid Djalili (Image: Gaby Jerrard PR) His stand-up awards include the Time Out Award for Best Stand Up, and he has also been both a Perrier Award nominee and a winner of the Edinburgh Award Panel Prize.

Having also been awarded a Best Actor award at the Turin Film Festival for his lead performance in The Infidel, his credits range from Hollywood to television and the West End Stage.