A row has broken out in the city council over the Labour government's plan to cut the winter fuel payment for pensioners. 

A motion was brought before the full meeting of Oxford City Council by the leader of the Liberal Democrat group Chris Smowton. 

It called for the leader of the council to write to the chancellor of the exchequer calling for the policy on linking winter fuel payments to pension credit receipt to be revised. 

The Labour party attempted to introduce an amendment, but it was voted down. The Lib Dem's motion was passed. 

Speaking at the meeting on Monday, October 7, Dr Smowton said: “This motion proposes that we raise a tax on the most well off. That would recover the exact same funds the chancellor is looking for

"A little more from the top of the income scale to make sure every last person at the bottom is spared the impact, rather than just those with the resource to apply. 

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“So, if the solution is so simple, why isn't our government doing it?

Chris Smowton Chris Smowton "I would have to speculate that the answer would be fear. Fear specifically that saying the word 'tax' would give the Tories a rallying cry in a way that the word 'cut' does not. 

“We want to say to our government to give generously and balance the books by taxing carefully. Better a tax than a cut.”

In response, Labour councillor Simon Ottino said: “We cannot support the Lib Dems' solution.

"It would mean some citizens on reaching retirement age would receive an immediate increase in the tax they would pay.

"Their solution would mean some pensioners would be paying a higher rate of tax than non-pensioners on the same level of income or wealth, that's hardly fair. 

“We need to send a clear message to the chancellor calling on her to review her proposals.”

(Image: PA) Ajaz Rehman, leader of the Oxford Independent Group, slammed the Labour councillors.

He said: “I think it's disgusting that the Labour administration would contemplate even talking about this right on the edge of winter. Surely this could have been delayed.

"This is hitting hardest the most vulnerable, it's going to stress them. It's disgraceful, you all know it so just say it.”

The motion's seconder Lawrence Fouweather said: “There are pensioners in my ward who would struggle without the winter fuel payment.

"I find it amazing that the Labour government would pick this payment for cutting. I'm beginning to wonder if this country has got rid of one Tory government, only to replace it with another, albeit with a red tinge. I commend this motion to you.”

The motion was passed.