Proposals have been put forward for up to 16 self-build homes in an Oxfordshire village.

Land promoter Lone Star Land has applied for outline permission for the phased development of up to 16 plots for self-build housing on a field north of North Street Farm in Aston near Bampton.

The application, with all matters reserved apart from access, will include up to six affordable units, parking, infrastructure and amenity space, with new vehicle and pedestrian access points to be created slightly north of the existing farm gate.

Each plot purchaser will be required to apply for planning consent for their respective designs but must not exceed the build zone or boundary of their plot.

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The edges of the roof must be no higher than approximately two to two-and-a-half storeys, car parking spaces must be within the plot and materials must comply with the palette provided, the applicant has said. 

A transport statement in support of the application says the site is close to existing pedestrian infrastructure with sufficient accessibility to public transport and to amenities and facilities within Aston.

The document states: "The development is predicted to generate eight two-way vehicular trips in the highway peak periods.

"This is not deemed to constitute a significant increase on the network."

Full details of the planning application 24/02466/OUT can be viewed on West Oxfordshire District Council's planning portal.