An Oxford nurse with a rare blood type said it is "fulfilling to know that every donation I make could save up to three lives".

Amino Ali, a 29-year-old renal nurse at Oxford University Hospitals, discovered her rare Ro subtype blood after her first donation.

This blood type is in high demand for patients with sickle cell and is most common in people of black heritage.

Ms Ali said: "I didn't realise how valuable my blood was until I saw the importance placed on my blood type by staff at the donor centre.

Amino Ali has rare Ro subtype bloodAmino Ali has rare Ro subtype blood (Image: NHS Blood and Transplant) "When I found out I have a valuable blood type, I felt special and motivated to donate more."

Her dedication to donating extends beyond her own contributions, as she encourages her family and friends to donate as well.

She said: "There are many people of black heritage in need of regular blood transfusions for conditions like sickle cell, and yet there are not enough people from these backgrounds donating.

"So breaking the misconceptions and donating regularly is vital for saving more lives."

Ms Ali first began donating last November and, despite initially having reservations, was surprised to learn how easy it is to donate at the Oxford donor centre, situated within John Radcliffe Hospital grounds.

She said: "I've always wanted to donate, but I never knew how.

"It wasn't until I discovered how close the donation centre was to where I was working that I took the first step.

"It only took about 15 minutes to actually donate the blood, and the process was so quick and easy - so different to what I’d expected."

She added: "As a renal nurse, I've seen how vital blood transfusions are for patients with kidney issues.

"It's not just about improving their health; it's about restoring their energy and quality of life."

Despite her demanding work schedule, Ms Ali ensures she finds the time to donate regularly.

She said: "I am committed to fitting donations around my work, particularly looking for appointments on my days off.

"It's not as time-consuming as I thought, and my patients are a constant reminder of how every donation makes a difference."

Looking ahead, Ms Ali is keen to continue her donations and to promote both blood and plasma donation.

Plasma can be donated at a dedicated donor centre in Reading, one of only three dedicated plasma donor centres in the country.

For those interested in becoming a blood or plasma donor, appointments can be booked via the GiveBloodNHS app or at