Plans for six new homes to be built on the former site of a children’s play area in Kidlington will be decided by the district council.

Councillors will decide whether to approve the development on Morton Close at the Cherwell District Council Planning Meeting on Thursday, December 5.

The application was put forward by Ede Holdings Ltd, and would consist of a singe building with four flats in a two storey section at the front, and two flats in a single storey section to the rear.

The development would include a parking area to the front, a bin store and a cycling store.

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The application received 20 objections from residents, whose complaints ranged from the increase in traffic and noise in the area, that the play area was an integral part of the community, and that it is not suitable due to the flooding and drainage issues in the area.

Others have pointed out that the creation of a play area was required as part of the original development of Morton Close, that building work would be disruptive for the other properties bordering the site.

The site has six parking spaces, while Oxfordshire County Council advises that there should be one visitor space for every five homes.

Kidlington Parish Council have also objected to the proposal because of “serious concerns about accessibility and insufficient parking on the site”, as well as concerns about surface water drainage given that the area suffers with surface water flooding.

They added: “The Council wonders whether the whole development could be pushed further back on the site to allow for additional parking and amenity space.”

The land is currently overgrown having not been managed by the landowner and is inaccessible to the public.

(Image: Cherwell District Council) A planning application for nine new homes on the site was proposed last year, but it was withdrawn.

The Council’s Local Land Drainage Officer has raised no objections to the proposal, under the condition that no drainage works should begin until a surface water management strategy has been submitted to approved by the Local Planning Authority.

Officers recommend that the application should be approved.

The planning balance and conclusion states: “The principle of minor residential development in Kidlington is acceptable, and it is considered that the proposal would not cause detrimental harm to the character and appearance of the area and would safeguard the living conditions of neighbouring residents.

“In addition, the proposal would not have an adverse impact upon protected species or the safe and efficient operation of the highway network.”