Dating in modern times can feel impossible.

Long gone are the days of meeting your future partner in the local pub or at the disco, now it’s all dating apps.

From the likes of Tinder, Hinge, Bumble and many more, the only way you can date is by swiping and liking.

As someone who isn’t fond of dating apps, it feels nearly impossible to date.

If you’re one of my close friends or family members, you’ll probably just say that I’m being picky again and I shouldn’t set my standards so high.

But don’t blame me for high standards, blame Patrick Verona in 10 Things I Hate About You and Benjamin Barry in How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.

Although romcom-leading men may be at fault for parts of my slightly damaging peakiness, so are dating profiles.

This is Oxfordshire: This is what you should avoid in a dating profile. This is what you should avoid in a dating profile. (Image: Getty)

Anytime I see a profile with these five specific things, it makes my entire body cringe and immediately swipes goodbye.

It’s not just me, talking to my closest friends both in and out of relationships, we all seem to agree that these ‘icks’ are the biggest turn-offs.

The 5 biggest icks on dating apps

Only having group pictures

I’m not the first person to say and I won’t be the last.

There’s nothing worse than seeing a profile and the only pictures are of a group. How are you supposed to know who the profile belongs to?

Whilst you may love the pictures with your mates, it may be the version you’re getting more swipes than likes.

I’m not saying that you can’t have one or two group pictures, but just try and have a solo picture so we know who we’re talking to.

This is Oxfordshire: Group pictures can be the downfall of a dating profile.Group pictures can be the downfall of a dating profile. (Image: Getty)

'What are you looking for?'

Whenever I get the message ‘What are you looking for?’ my skin crawls out of annoyance.

As someone who some may describe as being short of patience, I struggle to a. not sound rude or sarcastic and b. replying to the question.

I just feel that if you’re on a dating app, asking someone what their looking for seems obvious and isn’t going to make many come rushing back to reply.

Only having gym selfies

I get it, you go to the gym. The ten photos of you posing at the weight section make that very clear.

Gym selfies are fine, but like group photos, only having gym selfies makes it very hard to think you have a life outside the gym.

So mix it up a bit, show your love for the gym, but don’t make that the only thing you love and your whole dating profile personality.

This is Oxfordshire: Some gym selfies are okay, but not all.Some gym selfies are okay, but not all. (Image: Getty)

‘I don’t use this, add me on Instagram’

Any time I see the phrase ‘I don’t use this, add me on Instagram’, I swipe away.

It just screams ‘I would like more followers on my Instagram and dating apps are the easiest way to do just that’.

In the early days of dating apps you think ‘fair enough’ and give them a follow, but how many times does that profile owner ever reply, if ever, to your messages?

If someone is serious about dating apps, they’ll reply on the app, not need an Instagram follower first.

Age lying

This doesn’t happen often, but when it does it not only feels like an ick but very odd.

Sometimes on profiles, you’ll see people share ‘I don’t know why that says 23, I’m 21’, which makes you think they made the account when they were too young to begin with or they’re hoping people don’t spot the difference.

One of the universal global rules of dating is not to lie from the get-go, and age is a massively important thing to tell the truth about.

If you did make the dating profile underage, then delete it when you hit the legal age and make a new account so you don’t have to explain yourself to every potential partner constantly.