Anyone drinking from a plastic water bottle this summer has been warned of the "hidden health risks" of sipping it when it's warm.

Summer and (hopefully) some sunshine are well and truly on their way. 

And as temperatures rise, it's important that we stay hydrated and healthy.

How much water should I drink in a day?

We should be aiming to drink at least six to eight cups of water a day, according to the Eatwell Guide.

Water is a cheap and healthy way for us to keep to this goal but lower-fat milk and sugar-free drinks, including tea and coffee, all count towards our daily intake.

That being said, if we drink warm water from a plastic bottle that could be doing us more harm than good.

"Do not drink bottled water that has been left in the sun or a hot environment, like a car," according to Sarah Lawson, a food safety expert from Storage Box Shop.

Sarah continued: "The heat can cause harmful chemicals to leach from the plastic into the water.”

Is drinking hot bottled water bad for you?

Yes, the expert explained that when bottled water heats up, chemicals from the plastic can get into the water.

These chemicals, like BPA and phthalates, can be harmful if you drink them.

Drinking water with these chemicals can make you feel unwell and cause health problems.

You could experience a few different issues including stomach problems like nausea or stomach aches.

After drinking, you could develop headaches dizziness or feeling lightheaded.

You many experience problems with your hormones which can lead to more serious health issues over time.

Staying hydrated is important, but drinking water that has been left in the heat is not safe. Always keep your bottled water cool to protect your health. ( Getty Images)Staying hydrated is important, but drinking water that has been left in the heat is not safe. Always keep your bottled water cool to protect your health. ( Getty Images) (Image: Getty Images)

How to stay safe when drinking bottled water

There are a few things you can do to help you stay safe when drinking bottled water this summer:

  • Keep It Cool: Always store your bottled water in a cool place. Avoid leaving it in direct sunlight.
  • Use a Cooler: If you’re on the go, keep your bottled water in a cooler with ice packs.
  • Check the Temperature: Before you drink bottled water, check if it feels warm. If it does, it’s better to get a fresh bottle.

Recommended reading

The food safety expert from Storage Box Shop advised that staying hydrated is important.

However, Sarah urged that drinking water that has been left in the heat is not safe.

You should always keep your bottled water cool to protect your health.